Syn.: Tulostoma verrucosum Morgan, J. Cincinnati Soc. Nat. Hist. 12(4): 164 (1890), Tulostoma mussooriense Henn.
Although with < 300 records on the GBIF database, this species of semi-shaded situations in clear woodland has a wide world distribution.
Population trend is potentially stable.
Suggested: LC
Molecularly verified records from Eurasia, N. & S. America, Africa. Temperate - warm temperate - subtropical regions.
World-wide distribution in temperate - subtropical regions
Population Trend: Stable
Saprotrophic among herbs and litter in semi-shaded places in open deciduous clear woodland and gardens and rupiculous steppe, habitats, also among Dryas. Reaches 2300 m.a.s.l. in the Alps. Warm temperate - subtropical.
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