Lycoperdon caudatum J. Schroet. was described from Europe 1889. The anterior nameLycoperdon pedicellatum Peck 1873 (from N. America) is an unavailable synonym due to homonymy with with L. pedicellatum Batsch = Geastrum sp. Bovistella miyabei Lloyd from Japan was considered a synonym by Demoulin 1971.
Several similar species, of which no barcoding sequences are available, have been described from the Himalayas: L. darjeelingense, L. mundkurii, L. ovalicaudatum and L. yetisodale. Records from tropical regions may not be conspecific with L. caudatum.
Rare species of calcareous fens and mires. Due to a considerable historic and ongoing habitat decline it population reduction an be assumed.Proposed assessment: VU (A-crit.)
Widely distributed in the northern hemisphere. Judging from
appr. 700 records world-wide. Probably a considerable population decline over the last 50 years due ditching of fens and mires. Decrease is ongoing.
Population Trend: Decreasing
Lycoperdon caudatum occurs in or in the vicinity of calcareous fens and mires, often sharing this habitat with Bovista paludosa. In Scotland it is regularly observed in temporarily wet slacks in sand dune ecosystems.
Habitat decline due to ditching of mires and humid grassland
Research to verify conspecificity of the Asian populations as well as to investigate the phylogenetic relationships to morphologically rather similar Asian species.
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