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Elaphomyces granulatus Fr.

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Scientific name
Elaphomyces granulatus
Common names
False Truffle
jelenka obecná
grynet hjortetrøffel
korrelige hertentruffel
deer truffle / granulated elaphomyces / hart's truffle
truffe de cerf
teraline hirvepähkel
jyväksikäs mäntyntryffeli / mäntymaahikas
gemeiner Hirschtrüffel / warzige Hirschtrüffel
közönséges álszarvasgomba
tartufo dei cervi
ツチダンゴ [“earth dumpling”]
zemes rieksts
jeleniak sarni
трюфель олений
srnka obyčajná
zrnata košutnica
bola del mundo / falsa trufa / gran mundo / itamo / itamo real / tlalipantláli
grynig hjorttryffel
graudainā briežtrifele
Elninis laumriešutis
IUCN Specialist Group
Cup-fungi, Truffles and Allies
Assessment status
Under Assessment
Proposed by
David Minter
David Minter
Inita Daniele, Ivona Kautmanova, Marija Katarzyte
Comments etc.
Eugene Popov, Anders Dahlberg, Mitko Karadelev

Assessment Notes

Taxonomic notes

Why suggested for a Global Red List Assessment?

Currently one of the commonest hypogeous fungi, but with evidence of susceptibility to changed forest practices and pollution.

Geographic range

ASIA: China (Fukien), Japan, Taiwan, Tibet. EUROPE: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Norway, Poland, Romania, Russia (Leningradskaya oblast, Smolensk), Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, UK, Ukraine, former Yugoslavia. NORTH AMERICA: Canada (Alberta, British Columbia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Québec), Mexico, USA (Alaska, Arizona, California, Connecticut, DC, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Washington, West Virginia). SOUTH AMERICA: Chile (possibly introduced). Altitude: generally a species of lowlands or low mountain sites, but with records up to 1800 m.

Population and Trends

Because trained dogs can find hypogeous fungi more easily than humans, estimates of abundance of all hypogeous species tend to be higher in Mediterranean countries where there is a tradition of using such animals. Elaphomyces granulatus has been described as common in Europe by MONTECCHI & SARASINI (2000), frequent by ŁAWRYNOWICZ (2006), widespread in Switzerland (AYER & EGLI, 1991), and abundant and widespread in Germany. Although it is not rare in Britain, it was one of a number of fungi considered during environmental assessments for one road enlargement project in Scotland (MINTER, 2007). It has, however, been described as rare in Japan (IWABUCHI, SAKAI & YAMAGUCHI, 1994), and listed as rare in Bulgaria (GYOSHEVA, FAKIROVA & DENCHEV, 2000) and as near-threatened in the Netherlands. The most recent record occurrence of it in Ukraine may be from before 1961. It has been described as one of the most common North American truffles (NORTH & GREENBERG, 1998), and as perhaps the most common hypogeous fungus in North America (STATES & GAUD, 1997). Its status in Chile is not clear: it may be an introduction. Population levels can be deleteriously affected by unsympathetic forest management, and old-growth woodlands where the species is most abundant are now in many places very reduced in extent (NORTH, TRAPPE & FRANKLIN, 1997; NORTH & GREENBERG, 1998). The species is sensitive to disturbance and its populations in northern Alberta (DANIELSON, 1983) may be adversely affected by surface mining to recover bitumen from oil-bearing sands. There are therefore significant threats. The species has been red-listed as rare in Bulgaria. Using IUCN Categories and criteria, MINTER (2007) evaluated the conservation status of this species globally as Vulnerable.

Population Trend: Uncertain

Habitat and Ecology

Hypogeous fungi make an important contribution to the dynamics of woodland and forest soils, through their mutualism with mammals resulting in digging and aeration: a disturbed forest soil surface is often indicative of the presence of Elaphomyces. Species of Elaphomyces typically occur at the interface between the organic soil above and the mineral soil below. Some, including the present species, may also be mycorrhizal (BARROETAVEÑA, RAJCHENBERG & CÁZARES, 2005) thereby playing an important rôle in forest health: in Taiwan, inoculum of a suspension of E. granulatus ascospores formed a readily identifiable mycorrhiza and stimulated seedling growth of Pinus taiwanensis (HU, 1993). There are European records of this species associated with high densities of fine roots in soils of acidity varying from pH 4•0 to pH5•5, buried 3–10 cm deep, typically at the interface between the organic and mineral soil horizons, or directly beneath leaf or conifer needle litter if there is no other significant organic horizon. The species has sometimes been found on a clay pan, but there are also records from loose sandy acid soil. In the northern hemisphere, this species has been observed in every month of the year. In Europe and North America, E. granulatus is found in plantations as well as natural or semi-natural forests, with a preference for riparian rather than upland sites (MEYER & NORTH, 2005).

Laboratory and field studies have shown that spore dispersal of E. granulatus and other hypogeous fungi in small mammal faeces may be important, particularly in colonization of new habitats (for example produced by retreating glaciers as a result of climate change), and recolonization of destroyed habitats (for example burnt areas) by their associated trees. Food ingested by these mammals immediately prior to hibernation may not be excreted immediately, thereby perhaps lengthening the period of spore viability (CORK & KENAGY, 1989a; CÁZARES & TRAPPE, 1994). Passage through the digestive tract of Glaucomys sabrinus, the northern flying squirrel, may enhance germination and inoculum potential of E. granulatus ascospores (CALDWELL, VERNES & BÄRLOCHER, 2005). The olfactory basis of Sciurus niger L. foraging for E. granulatus has been studied (SECREST, 1990). Techniques for analysing E. granulatus and other hypogeous species in the diets of small mammals have been described by COLGAN III, CAREY & TRAPPE (1997).

Associated plants: Abies amabilis; A. excelsa; A. mariesii; A. pectinata; A. procera; Abies sp.; Arctostaphylos uva-ursi; Betula lutea; B. pendula; Betula sp.; Calluna vulgaris; Castanea sativa; Eucalyptus sp.; Fagus grandifolia; F. sylvatica; Fagus sp.; Juniperus sp.; Larix decidua; L. × eurolepis; Monotropastrum humile; Nothofagus sp.; Picea abies; P. rubens; P. rubra; P. sitchensis; Picea sp.; Pinus albicaulis; P. banksiana; P. contorta; P. echinata; P. pentaphylla; P. pinaster; P. ponderosa; P. sylvestris; P. taeda; P. taiwanensis; Pinus sp.; Poaceae gen.indet.; Polytrichum commune; Pseudotsuga menziesii; Pteridium aquilinum; Quercus petraea; Q. robur (root); Quercus rubra; Quercus sp.; Salix herbacea; Tsuga diversifolia; T. heterophylla; T. mertensiana. Other associated organisms: Cenococcum graniforme; Cervidae (eating ascomata); Cordyceps capitata (parasitizing ascomata,  = Elaphocordyceps capitata); C. ophioglossoides (parasitizing ascomata, = Elaphocordyceps ophioglossoides); C. parasitica (parasitizing ascomata); Glaucomys sabrinus (eating ascomata); Musci gen.indet.; Oryctolagus cuniculus (exposing ascomata); Peromyscus maniculatus (eating ascomata); Sciurus nigra (eating ascomata); S. vulgaris (eating ascomata); Spermophilus saturatus (eating ascomata); Sus scrofa (digging for and eating ascomata); Tamiasciurus hudsonicus (caching ascomata in nest of Turdus migratorius). Other substrata: peat; soil.


A study, in Pseudotsuga menziesii forests in Oregon, USA, reported that this species was one of 5 accounting for 73% of total biomass production of hypogeous fungi, and that production was higher in spring and highest in mesic old-growth forest (LUOMA, FRENKEL & TRAPPE, 1991). Commercial thinning operations in Pseudotsuga menziesii forests of Oregon, USA, have been shown to decrease numbers of fruitbodies of Elaphomyces, although these effects were not so severe where coarse woody debris was retained on site after thinning (GÓMEZ, ANTHONY & TRAPPE, 2003). In Tsuga heterophylla and Pseudotsuga menziesii forests of Washington, USA it is significantly associated with thick organic layers with a high density of fine roots, typically between 1 and 2 m from the associated trunk, comprising 90% of the total truffle biomass in unmanaged and mature old-growth stands, but being rare in managed and young stands where the organic soil layer and fine root density have been significantly reduced with the introduction of fire (NORTH, TRAPPE & FRANKLIN, 1997; NORTH & GREENBERG, 1998). These authors considered that slash burning and scarification practices could have a strong effect on local food abundance and availability for small mammal consumers. Some of the small mammal species for which E. granulatus is an important food source, such as Glaucomys sabrinus, are endangered (LOEB, TAINTER & CÁZERES, 2000). More than 50% of 115 sampled individuals of the endangered West Virginia northern flying squirrel (G. sabrinus fuscus) consumed this species in autumn, and more than 48% in spring (MITCHELL, 2001). The nutritional value of E. granulatus may, however, be limited for some small mammals: much of the nitrogen and carbohydrate in fruitbodies was found to be unavailable to one species of mycophagous ground squirrel (CORK & KENAGY, 1989b).

There is some evidence that species of Elaphomyces contribute to heavy metal uptake in mammals which eat their fruitbodies (POKORNY, AL-SAYEGH PETKOVSEK, RIBARIC LASNIK, VRTACNIK, DOGANOC & ADAMIC, 2004). Studies in Germany in 2003 on the impact of Chernobyl radiation pollution (PUTYRSKAYA, KLEMT, PALIACHENKA & ZIBOLD, 2003) have shown that, because they grow in the soil level where most radioactive pollution accumulates and, perhaps, because of their persistence, ascomata of E. granulatus contain significantly more radioactive caesium (137Cs) than basidiomata of forest mushrooms. FIELITZ (2002) reported that soil to organism transfer this pollution was 10–100 times greater for this species than for any other fungus or plant studied. In an internet-source report, a sample of 82 fruitbodies, the mean level of radiation was 25,660 Bq/kg compared with 6,750 Bq/kg for Cortinarius hercynicus (Pers.) M.M. Moser, the species with next highest level. Distribution of radiation in ascomata has been studied, and results indicate that highest levels are found in the rind (cortex and peridium). Ascomata have been found in significantly higher proportions in stomach contents of highly-contaminated than in low-contaminated wild boar (Sus scrofa) (HUHMANN & HUCKSCHLAG, 2005), and this may explain continuing high radiation levels in this species, which commonly digs for and eats these fungi (FIELITZ, 2002). There are similar reports of accumulation of 137Cs pollution by this species in Switzerland (VÖLKLE, AYER, JUNGCK, VANZETTI & EGLI, undated).

Conservation Actions

Research needed

Use and Trade


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COLGAN III, W., CAREY, A.B. & TRAPPE, J.M. A reliable method for analysing dietaries of mycophagous small mammals. Northwestern Naturalist 78 (2): 65-69 (1997). CORK, S.J. & KENAGY, G.J. Rates of gut passage and retention of hypogeous fungal spores in two forest-dwelling rodents. Journal of Mammology 70 (3): 512-519 (1989a). CORK, S.J. & KENAGY, G.J. Nutritional value of hypogeous fungus for a forest-dwelling ground squirrel. Ecology 70: 577-586 (1989). DANIELSON, R.M. Ectomycorrhizal association in jack pine stands in northeastern Alberta. Canadian Journal of Botany 62 (5): 932-939 (1984). DODGE, C.W. The higher Plectascales Annales Mycologici 27: 145-184 (1929). DOX, A.W. & NEIDIG, R.E. The soluble polysaccharides of lower fungi. 1. Mycodextran, a new polysaccharide in Penicillium expansum. Journal of Biological Chemistry 18 (2): 167-175 (1914). EMMONS, C.W. Mycology and medicine. Mycologia 53 (1): 1-10 (1961) [publ. 1962]. FELTER, H.W. & LLOYD, J.U. 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La presencia de Elaphomyces cervinus en la región de Quintero (prov. Valparaiso-Chile). Moliniana 2: 11-14 (1961). HADRIANUS JUNIUS. Phalli ex Fungorum Genera in Hollandiae Sabuletis passim Crescentis Descriptio & ad Vivum Expressa Pictura. Hadriano Iunio Medico Auctore Res Nova & Praeoribus Saeculis Incognita. Harman Schnickel, Delf (1564) [English translation by Tom & Pam Kayser, 2000, http://collectivesource.com/hadrianus/index.html]. HAWKER, L.E. Revised annotated list of British hypogeous fungi. Transactions of the British Mycological Society 63: 67-76 (1974). HENDERSON, D.M. & WATLING, R.. Chapter 15, Fungi. In A.C. Jermy & J.A. Crabbe [eds], The Island of Mull, a Survey of its Flora and Environment pp. 1-73 (1978). HU, H.-T. Effects of ectomycorrhizal inoculation on the growth of Pinus taiwanensis seedlings on the grassland soils at high altitude of Taiwan. Quarterly Journal of the Experimental Forest of National Taiwan University 7 (2): 41-50 (1993). HUHMANN, U. & HUCKSCHLAG, D. Investigations on the radiocaesium contamination of wild boar (Sus scrofa) meat in Rhineland-Palatinate: a stomach content analysis. European Journal of Wildlife Research 51 (4): 263-270 (2005). IWABUCHI, S., SAKAI, S. & YAMAGUCHI, O. Analysis of mushroom diversity in successional young forests and equilibrium evergreen broad-leaves forests. Mycoscience 35 (1): 1-14 (1994). JURC, D., PILTAVER, A. & OGRIS, N. Glive Slovenije / Fungi of Slovenia. Studia Forestalia Slovenica 124: i-vi, 1-497 (2005). KNEIFEL, H., KONIG, W.A., LOEFFLER, W. & MÜLLER, R. Ophiocordin, an antifungal antibiotic of Cordyceps ophioglossoides. Archives of Microbiology 113 (1-2): 121-130 (1977). LANDVIK, S., SHAILER, N.F.J. & ERIKSSON, O.E. SSU rDNA sequence support for a close relationship between the Elaphomycetales and the Eurotiales and Onygenales. Mycoscience 37 (3): 237-241 (1996). ŁAWRYNOWICZ, M. Cenococcum graniforme in Poland. Acta Mycologica 19 (1): 31-40 (1983). 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Mycologia 95 (6): 993-997 (2003). MEYER, M.D. & NORTH, M.P. Truffle abundance in riparian and upland mixed-conifer forest of California’s southern Sierra Nevada. Canadian Journal of Botany 83 (8): 1015-1020 (2005). MINTER, D.W. Elaphomyces granulatus. IMI Descriptions of Fungi and Bacteria No. 1717 (2007). MITCHELL, D. Spring and fall diet of the endangered West Virginia northern flying squirrel (Glaucomys sabrinus fuscus). American Midland Naturalist 146 (2): 439-443 (2001). MORENO-ARROYO, B., GÓMEZ, J. & PULIDO, E. Tesoros de Nuestros Montes. Trufas de Andalucía. (Córdoba, Spain: Consejería de Medio Ambiente, Junta de Andalucía): 352 pp. (2005). MONTECCHI, A. & SARASINI, M. Funghi Ipogei d’Europa (Trento, Italy: Associazione Micologica Bresadola): [i-vi] 714 pp. (2000). MUSKETT, A.E. & MALONE, J.P. Catalogue of Irish fungi – IV. Ascomycotina. Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy Section B – Biological, Geological and Chemical Science 83 (17): 151-213 (1983). 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Fungi ingestion as an important factor influencing heavy metal intake in roe deer: evidence from faeces. Science of the Total Environment 324 (1/3): 223-234 (2004). PUTYRSKAYA, V., KLEMT, E., PALIACHENKA, H. & ZIBOLD, G. 137Cs accumulation in Elaphomyces granulatus and its transfer to wild boar. In N. Mitchell, V. Licina & G. Zibold [eds] Proceedings of Working Group 3, Soil-Plant Relationships. XXXIII Annual Meeting of ESNA / jointly organized with IUR working group Soil-Plant Transfer. Pp. 1-5. Germany, Weingarten, Fachhochschule Ravensburg-Weingarten University of Applied Sciences. ISSN 1611-9223. (2003). RIMOCZI, I., CSILLAG, A., ALBERT, L. & BRATEK, Z. Sporen-Charakterisierung von Arten aus den Familien Tuberaceae, Hydnotriaceae, Terfeziaceae und Elaphomycetaceae mit Hilfe von SEM-Daten [Characterization of spores of species in the families Tuberaceae, Hydnotriaceae, Terfeziaceae and Elaphomycetaceae by means of SEM data]. Zeitschrift für Mykologie 58 (2): 121-127 (1992). ROBERTS, P. Preliminary list of macrofungi from Great Plantation, Liverton, near Bovey Tracey. Fungi from South Devon. 21 pp. (1990). SAMUELSON, D.A., BENNY, G.L. & KIMBROUGH, J.W. Ultrastructure of ascospore ornamentation in Elaphomyces (Ascomycetes). Mycologia 79 (4): 571-577 (1987). SECREST, D. The Olfactory Basis of Fox Squirrel (Sciurus niger Linnaeus) Foraging on the Truffle Elaphomyces granulatus Fr.: Implications for Squirrel-Habitat Mutualism. MS Thesis, Wake Forest University (1990). SANIKUNAITE, R., TRAPPE, J.M., KHAN, S.I. & ROSS, S.A. Evaluation of therapeutic activity of hypogeous ascomycetes and basidiomycetes from North America. International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms 9 (1): 7-14 (2007). SHENG, X.-A. [The genus Elaphomyces and its ecological distribution in Xizang]. Mycosystema 18 (3): 238-242 (1999). STATES, J.S. New records of hypogeous Ascomycetes in Arizona. Mycotaxon 16 (2): 396-402 (1983). STATES, J.S. & GAUD, W.S. Ecology of hypogeous fungi associated with ponderosa pine. I. Patterns of distribution and sporocarp production in some Arizona forests. Mycologia 89: 712-721 (1997). SUNG, G.-H., HYWEL-JONES, N.L., SUNG, J.-M., LUANGSA-ARD, J.J., SHRESTHA, B. & SPATAFORA, J.W. Phylogenetic classification of Cordyceps and the clavicipitaceous fungi. Studies in Mycology 57 (1): 5-59 (2007). TENG, S.C. Fungi of China i-xiv, 586 pp. (1996) USA, New York, Ithaca; Mycotaxon Ltd. THOEN, D. & SCHULTHEIS, B. Checklist provisoire des champignons hypogés du Luxembourg. Bulletin de la Société des Naturalistes Luxembourgeois 103: 31-44 (2003). TRAPPE, J.M. Notes on Japanese hypogeous ascomycetes. Transactions of the Mycological Society of Japan 17: 209-217 (1976). TRAPPE, J.M. & GUZMÁN, G. Notes on some hypogeous fungi from Mexico. Mycologia 63 (2): 317-332 (1971). VERNES, K. & POIRIER, N. Use of a robin’s nest as a cache site for truffles by a red squirrel. Northeastern Naturalist (in press, 2007). VÖLKLE, H., AYER, F., JUNGCK, M, VANZETTI, T. & EGLI, S. Teneur en 137Cs de trois espèces de truffe de cerf (Elaphomyces) provenant de huit forêts de Suisse. B.5.2.1-B.5.2.6 (undated). [reference untraced, see internet links below].

See also the following internet pages:

http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elaphomyces_granulatus (review of post Chernobyl radiocaesium uptake by Elaphomyces granulatus, and its impact);
http://funghi45.altervista.org/funghi_odore.htm (identification based on scents);
http://perso.orange.fr/champignons.fc/odeurs/cleascos.htm (identification key based on scents);
http://wildwoodsurvival.com/survival/food/fungi/300fungi.html (consumption as human food);;=&q=cache:DvSBAenIP74J:www.bag.admin.ch/strahlen/ionisant/radio_env/pdf-2003/Chap-5-2.pdf+“Elaphomyces+granulatus” (uptake of 137Cs radioactive pollution in Switzerland);
http://www.aranzadi-zientziak.org/fileadmin/docs/micologia/salidas/0703_Bilketak.doc (occurrence in association with Eucalyptus);
http://www.asturnatura.com/articulos/revista/catalogohongosast.pdf (occurrence in Spain);
http://www.cybertruffle.org.uk/redlists/red_1960.htm (most recent record from Ukraine);
http://www.environmental-studies.de/Radioecology/Radiocesium/Cs_E5/Truffle/DT1.html (commercial study of post Chernobyl radiocaesium uptake by Elaphomyces granulatus, and its impact);
http://www.fao.org/docrep/007/y5489e/y5489e14.htm (listing as medicinal by FAO);
http://www.gljive.com/aktivnosti/nase_aktivnosti/dani_gljiva_2006_-_izvještaj/ (occurrence in Serbia);
http://www.indianamushrooms.com/cordyceps_capitata.html (occurrence in Indiana, USA);
http://www.patentstorm.us/patents/7000348-description.html (involvement in patent application);
http://www.soortenbank.nl/soorten.php?soortengroep=paddenstoelen&id=144&menuentry=soorten (red listing in the Netherlands);
http://www.transportscotland.gov.uk/uploads\documents\A9_Crubenmore_Northern_Extension_volume2.pdf (inclusion in environmental assessment for road-building project);
http://www.wpamushroomclub.org/photos_files/gallery9.htm (occurrence in Pennsylvania, USA);
http://www.wsl.ch/eccf/Bulgaria.pdf (red listing in Bulgaria).

Country occurrence

Regional Population and Trends

Country Trend Redlisted