Wide distribution, mainly mychorrizal with Eucalyptus, in both native and introduced stands. Population trend presumably stable.Doubtful records from Europe to be confirmed.
Suggested assessment: LC
A species with its main distribution in the southern hemisphere: S. America, Australia, reaching north to northern Africa, Mexico and E. USA. Recently recorded and documented from Spain but also identified from scattered records in central Europe that should be revisited and may be erroneous due to mis-identifications with S. cepa.
It has been identified from e-DNA-sequences from several warm-temperate - subtropical/tropical regions, i e. Czech Republic, Spain, Italy, Kenya, Tanzania, Morocco, China
Difficult to evaluate its populations size and distribution area due to taxonomical issues in the species group around S. albidum and S. cepa. However S. albidum s. str. has a wide distribution associated with Eucalyptus (native and introduced) and the population trend should be considered as stable on a global scale.
Population Trend: Stable
Ectomycorrhizal with Eucalyptus , both in native and introduced stands, in warm-temperate and subtropical regions. Also reported from under Quercus spp and Pinus spp (under planted Pinus in Argentina;
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