Bovista pusilla (Batsch) Pers. sensu Larsson et al (2009), non B. pusilla (Batsch) Pers. sensu Kreisel (1967) = B. furfuracea Pers. and Lycoperdon dermoxanthum Vittad.
Molecular data indicates taht it as a sister species to B. limosa from which it differs morphologically in the structure of the endoperidial stoma and peristome. B. pusilla has a southern distribution as opposed to B. limosa which is a boreal-arctic species.
The distribution is within the temperate region; it does not reach boreal-arctic areas.
Population Trend: Decreasing
Grows among low mosses and herbs on exposed calcareous cliffs and rocks, on exposed calcareous sand dunes and calcareous dry grassland with a low and patchy vegetation. It is favoured by moderate trampling by humans or cattle that creates and maintains a low and sparse field layer, Thermophilous and calciphilous.
Habitat decline/destruction due to exploitation (roads, buildings, tourism).
Overgrowth due to abandoned grazing
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