Cyttaria berteroii is an obligate parasite on a number of South American Nothofagus species. It is recorded from Chile and Argentina. The population is stable.
Cyttaria berteroi Berk., Transactions of the Linnaean Society of London 19: 41 (1842) MycoBank #207472
Cyttari berteroi is found over a very wide geographical area, where multiple species of Nothofagus host trees are fouynd.
Cyttaria berteroii corresponds to the range of its Nothofagus host species, Nothofagus obliqua and Nothofagus glauca. It is recorded from central Chile amongst Santiago and Osorno city. Additionally, it is recorded in Argentina.
The species is found over a wide geographical area, where Nothofagus glauca and Nothofagus obliqua are found in a variety of forest types.
Population Trend: Stable
Cyttaria berteroi is an obligate parasite of South American Nothofagus obliqua and Nothofagus glauca. It is restricted to Chile and Argentina
Even though the species occurs in a variety of Nothofagus-dominated forests, possible future threats include some Nothofagus being targeted for wood extraction, including logging, transformation of native forests into pine plantations and increased fire frequency and intensity (Pino, 2009); currently there are no major threats.
No specific conservation actions are needed with regards this species, there is a need to protect the native forest in general.
Currently there is no specific research needed to understand the conservation of this species.
There is a well stablished market for Digueñe consumption in general, which includes Cyttaria berteroi.
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