There is limited information available from the type description of the species, and no subsequent occurrence records of C. lagunae or the species for which it is a homotypic synonym. With a lack of occurrence data and information on the habitat and ecology of the species, it is not possible to assess the status of its population or distribution.
It is therefore now assessed as Data Deficient.
Cantharellus lagunae was described in 1905 by P. A. Saccardo and D. Saccardo, and Index Fungorum lists it as a homotypic synonym of Dictyolus lagunae (described by Lázaro Ibiza in 1902).
A more recent taxonomic study that examined D. lagunae specimens placed it as a synonym of Arrhenia spathulata (Barrasa and Rico, 2003), but this does not correspond with current synonyms for A. spathulata on Index Fungorum.
On GBIF C. lagunae is a synonym of D. lagunae and the taxonomy of the latter is listed as doubtful.
Chanterelle species to be assessed as part of the chanterelle comprehensive project - synonymised into Arrhenia spathulata so dropped.
Type described from El Escorial, near Madrid in central Spain.
Extent of range is unknown.No occurrence data are available on GBIF for C. lagunae or Dictyolus lagunae, for which it is a homotypic synonym.
Only known from type description.
Population Trend: Uncertain
The type is described from mosses on the ground, but the type and extent of the habitat is unknown.
No known threats.
Confirmation of taxonomic status, population and distribution data and ecology required to better assess species.
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