Syn: ? Geastrum javanicum Lév. [as ‘Geaster javanicus’], Annls Sci. Nat., Bot., sér. 3 5: 161 (1846), ? Geastrum radicans Berk. & M.A. Curtis [as ‘Geaster’], Grevillea 2(no. 16): [49] (1873)
Insufficient data on occurrence and population; research is needed to resolve taxonomical issues (potential synonymisations with G. javanicum and G. radicatum). DD
N. America (Georgia, N. & S. Carolina), C. America: Cuba, S. America: Ecuador, Bolivia.
Introduced in Europe (Portugal, Lisboa; 1848; in flower pots in botanic garden; not observed since). A record from southern France (Mornand 1986) needs confirmation.
However if G. javanicum is indeed synonymous the population is much larger and the distribution of G. welwitschii much wider in subtropical-tropical regions than currently known.
Insufficient data; appr. 10 records world wide (most of them in eastern USA); adventitious occurrence in Portugal 1848.
Population Trend: Uncertain
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