Needs more extensive documentation
Hygrophorus karstenii has been confused with and synonymized with H. melizeus (Fr.: Fr.) Fr. and Cuphophyllus pratensis (Fr.) Bon. This is likley due to inexperience of H. karstenii.
Hygrohorus saxatilis Sm. & Hes is likely a later synonym.
Declining due to loss of suitable habitat, decrease of old growth boreal coniferous forest. Have a hard time to reestablish after forest clear cut.
Hygrophorus karstenii is distributed in the boreal parts of North America and Europe.
Population Trend:
Hygrophorus karstenii forms mycorrhiza with Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) and Noreay spruce (Picea abies) in old growth boreal coniferous forests.
The mycelia of the fungus is long-lived and considered to potentially be as old as the trees or older.
Decline in suitable habitat of old growth boreal coniferous forest due to clear cut. Have a hard time to reestablish after forest clear cut.
The species is not be used.
Artdatabanken Sweden 2019. Artfakta Hygrophorus karstenii
Country | Trend | Redlisted |