Phaeoradulum guadelupense is a resupinate species from Guadaloupe, described in 1900. Its most recent record is from 1903 making it impossible to estimate current population size or distribution, so it is assessed as Data Deficient (DD).
P. guadelupense is the only remaining species in the Phaeoradulum genus (Species Fungorum, 2023), established in 1900 based on the distinct morphological characteristics of its spores (Patouillard, 1900).
Only known from Guadeloupe in the Caribbean.
The most recent record for this species dates from 1903 (, 2023). Without more recent observations or information on targeted search efforts it is not possible to estimate population size.
Population Trend: Uncertain
Resupinate species, found growing on decaying stems of Daphnopsis americana subsp. caribaea (=Daphnopsis caribaea). (Patouillard, 1900)
Search efforts are needed to estimate population size, distribution and habitat preferences. Further taxonomic research is also recommended to clarify its placement within Boletales and confirm this is a monotypic genus.
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