Geastrum coronatum Pers. Synonym: Geastrum limbatum Fr., G. atratum F. Smarda .
Geastrum pseudolimbatum Hollós was incorporated in G. coronatum by some authors (still erroneously so in Index Fungorum) but molecular and morphological features clearly separate the two taxa.
Geastrum coronatum has a wide distribution and important occurrences in anthropgenous sites. Although rare and potentially declining in some areas, its population appears to be stable in a global perspective. Suggested assessment: LC
Cosmopolitan species; no verified records from Africa. Some ambiguity in distribution due to the inclusion of G. pseudolimbatum, erroneously considered a synonym of G. coronatum by some authors.
More than 2600 records in the GBIF database and a wide world distribution. The population of G. coronatum is potenially stable due to the wide range of habitats, including urban parks and gardens.
Population Trend: Stable
Geastrum coronatum is a species of deciduous woodland. It is also somtimes found in litter under bush (eg Juniperus, Crataegus) in open grasslands. It appears to be nitrophilous and is abundantly found in parks and gardens in villages and towns.
Geastrum coronatum has a wide distribution range and has important occurrences in anthropgenous sites. Although rare and potentially declining in some areas, its population appears to be stable in a global perspective.
Geastrum coronatum appears on the red-lists of the Czech Republic (VU) and Sweden (NT, D-crit.).
Country | Trend | Redlisted |