An abundant earthstar in woodland habitats in Europe and North America. Suggested assessment: LC
Verified from Eurasia and N. America where its occurs in the temperate - boreal zones. Records from other areas may refer to other closely related species: Mediterranean area: G. meridionale, Australia; G. tenuipes; Oceania: G. biplicatum; pantropical; G. plicatum (cfr Zamora et al. 2015).
Currently with more than 5000 records on GBIF in Europe and N. America. Abundant species of temperate-boreal forests with a wide and continuous distribution. Population trend is stable.
Records from other areas may refer to other species and are not included here (see under “geographic range”)
Population Trend: Stable
In woodland habitats, particularly abundant in boreal coniferous and deciduous forests where it often occurs in neddle beds or adjacent to ant hills.
Also known from leaf litter under bush in open habitats (meadows, pastures etc).
No conservations actions are currently needed.
Country | Trend | Redlisted |