A rare saprotrophic fungus in various types of woodland, both deciduous and coniferous. In Europe mainly in mountains.
Two main areas of distribution: eastern N. America and south-central Europe. It was recently reported from China, the first evidence of its occurrence in east Asia.Estimated number of mature individuals: 10000.
Population trend uncertain.
Suggested assessment: DD
Eastern North America, south and central Europe and China (Sichuan).
Appr 450 records on the GBIF database = appr 350 localities
Estimated number of localities: 500
Estimated number of mature individuals: 10000
EOO. 33 000 000 km
AOO 640 km2
Two main distribution areas: eastern N. America and south-central Europe.Population trend unknown.
Potential decrease caused by forestry (clear cutting of localities).
Population Trend: Uncertain
Saprotrophic, often subhypogeous, on decaying wood debris of coniferous and deciduous trees; in forests, mainly in mountains.
Modern forestry based on clear-cutting
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