Syn.: Tulostoma volvulatum I.G. Borshch.
? Tulostoma mollerianum Bres. & Roum.
? T. koskudinicum Schwarzman & Filimon.
A xerothermophilous species with known core area in the Mediterranean Basin with extension eastwards into arid parts of Central Asia. Has also been found in anthropogenous sites in urban areas of central Europe.
Small known population (<20 localities) but potential “dark occurrences” in the Mediterranean basin, northern Africa and Central Asia.
Population status and trends are unknown.
Based on current knowledge DD is suggested.
Eurasia, northern Africa (Tunisia and Algeria). Rare. A record from N. America still needs confirmation (
Core area in the Mediterranean Basin with extensions to anthropogenous sites in central Europe and eastwards into arid regions of central Asia.
Currently known from < 20 localities world-wide but with a potentially high number of “dark occurrences” .
AOO: 52 km2
EOO: 6 600 000 km2Population status and trends are unknown.
Population Trend: Uncertain
Saprotrophic species on sandy or halophytic soils in more or less exposed sites in dry Mediterranean vegetation. It has also been recorded from anthropogenic habitats (pavements, urban streets, along mortar walls etc) in Austria, Hungary, and Germany. The holotype of T. volvulatum (synonym) was collected “in arenosis deserti”.
Warm-temperate - (tropical? )
Habitat decline or loss due to expoitation (buildings, roads, tourist activities)
Small population
Country | Trend | Redlisted |