The identity of T. beccarianum was recently clarified using molecular tools (Jeppson et al. 2017). Previous interpretations (cfr Altés & Moreno 1993) erroneously put T. beccarianum in synonymy with T. simulans. Tulostoma beccarianum is hardly recognizable in the field and all identifications must be verified by DNA-sequencing.
Recently understood species with few (4) verified records in dry grassland and sand dunes in the western Mediterranean area and east central Europe. eDNA-data indicate a wider distribution including Africa and S. America. Judging from a wide sampling of Tulstoma in drier regions of Europe during recent years T. beccarianum seems to be a genuinly rare species (not just underrecorded).
Habitat decline can be suspected but population trend unclear.
Suggested: VU (D1)
Mediterranean area with extensions into the Pannonian steppe region. eDNA-sequences verify it from Egypt, Tanzania and Brazil, thus with a potentially large EOO. Records from France, Australia, Mexico and USA are currently unverified by molecular data and may well belong to other species.
Known from <10 verified records. Extremely rare species with a small population.
Estimated number of localities 50
Estimated number of mature individuals 1000
The only recent records are from Hungary and Slovakia but it may be under-recorded because of its similarity with other species. However, judging from a wide sampling of Tulostoma in drier regions of Europe during recent years T. beccarianum appears to be a genuinly rare species,
Population trend is uncertain.
Population Trend: Uncertain
Saproptrophic. Dry sandy grassland (Hungary and Slovakia), Mediterranean sand dune vegetation (somewhat halophytic; Spain)
Small population
Habitat quality decline as grazing is abandoned in dry grassland habitats.
Country | Trend | Redlisted |