• Proposed
  • 2Under Assessment
  • 3Preliminary Assessed
  • 4Assessed
  • 5Published

Tulostoma beccarianum Bres.

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Scientific name
Tulostoma beccarianum
Common names
IUCN Specialist Group
Mushroom, Bracket and Puffball
Assessment status
Proposed by
Mikael Jeppson
Comments etc.
Mikael Jeppson

Assessment Notes

Taxonomic notes

The identity of T. beccarianum was recently clarified using molecular tools (Jeppson et al. 2017).  Previous interpretations (cfr Altés & Moreno 1993) erroneously put T. beccarianum in synonymy with T. simulans. Tulostoma beccarianum is hardly recognizable in the field and all identifications must be verified by DNA-sequencing.

Why suggested for a Global Red List Assessment?

Recently understood species with few (4) verified records in dry grassland and sand dunes in the western Mediterranean area and east central Europe. eDNA-data indicate a wider distribution including Africa and S. America. Judging from a wide sampling of Tulstoma in drier regions of Europe during recent years T. beccarianum seems to be a genuinly rare species (not just underrecorded).
Habitat decline can be suspected but population trend unclear.
Suggested: VU (D1)

Geographic range

Mediterranean area with extensions into the Pannonian steppe region. eDNA-sequences verify it from Egypt, Tanzania and Brazil, thus with a potentially large EOO. Records from France, Australia, Mexico and USA are currently unverified by molecular data and may well belong to other species.

Population and Trends

Known from <10 verified records. Extremely rare species with a small population.
Estimated number of localities 50
Estimated number of mature individuals 1000
The only recent records are from Hungary and Slovakia but it may be under-recorded because of its similarity with other species. However, judging from a wide sampling of Tulostoma in drier regions of Europe during recent years T. beccarianum appears to be a genuinly rare species,
Population trend is uncertain.

Population Trend: Uncertain

Habitat and Ecology

Saproptrophic. Dry sandy grassland (Hungary and Slovakia), Mediterranean sand dune vegetation (somewhat halophytic; Spain)


Small population
Habitat quality decline as grazing is abandoned in dry grassland habitats.

Conservation Actions

Research needed

Use and Trade


Country occurrence

Regional Population and Trends

Country Trend Redlisted