Although being fairly abundant in suitable habitats in western and central Europe, the population is likely to be slowly declining due to habitat loss/quality decline.
Estimated number of mature individuals: 30000
Suggested assessment NT (C1)
Widely distributed in Eurasia and N. America. Particularly abundant in western and central Europe. Reaches its northernmost stations in SE Sweden,
Extends eastwards into Central Asia. Does not seem to occur in the Mediterranean area and records from that region should be considered ambiguous.
Fairly abundant species in suitable habitats of western and central Europe. Regionally and globally declining. Redlisted in Sweden and the Czech Republic as EN (C). In total, the population is likely to be slowly declining.
Appr. 1000 records on GBIF database
Estimated number of localities: 1500
Estimated number of mature individuals: 30000AOO <800 km2
EOO 33 000 000
Population Trend: Decreasing
Saprotrophic in dry and exposed sandy grassland, sand dunes, sand steppes and rupicolous steppe slopes. Grows in habitats with low and scanty vegetation, often with open sandy patches.
Habitat decline due to overgrowth of habitats due to ceased or abandoned grazing.
Also threatened by exploitation: roads, buildings, camp sites, hotels.
Country | Trend | Redlisted |