Frequent species with a main distribution in Europe, rare elsewhere. Stable population. LC
Cosmopilitan distribution but particularly abundant in Europe. Very rare in N. America. Records on GBIF from S. America and Australia/New Zealand should be re-checked.
Appears in eDNA from Morocco, Côte d’Ivoire and China.
> 10 000 records on the GBIF database. An abundant species with a wide distribution, particularly frequent in Europe. Population is stable.
Population Trend: Stable
Saprotropic in calcareous sandy or humiferous grassland, among rocks, on beaches and sand steppe vegetation. Abundant also on road verges and along wheel tracks. Prefers a low and scanty vegetation with patches of naked soil, often seen among the mosses of the genus Syntrichia. Sometimes on among mosses on rock walls (buildings and stone fences).
Overgrowth of habitats due to abandoned grazing
Expoitation of its localities (tourism, roads, buildings)
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