Spores single in the soil; formed laterally on the neck of a sporiferous saccule; of color light orange to yellowish red; of shape globose to subglobose; (112-)149(-180) µm diam. with Spore wall composed of three layers.
Presenting as unique structure: the upper surface of the laminate spore wall layer ornamented with densely packed tooth-shaped projections directed outwards the spore.
I suggest that this species be categorized as Least Concern (LC) due to its distribution in some countries.
The species is known in five countries (Argentina, Brazil, Colômbia e México). The species also occurs in other countries in South America and North America.
A very common species in Latin american countries. It has 08 data according to GBIF when searching Acaulospora denticulata.
Population Trend:
Vegetation type: Lowland evergreen rainforest, Dry forest, Lower montane forest, Upper montane forest, Mangrove and Anthropogenic sites (Agrosystems and Mining), soil in Coffea arabica plantations.
In Brazil, this fungus is found in forests under different biomes: Amazon rainforest, Cerrado, Caatinga and Atlantic Forest. In addition to anthropized environments (Agrosystems, Pastures and Mining).
The data obtained will contribute significantly to scientific and technological development, and can be used for the formation of public policies for the management, use, and conservation of the biodiversity in these areas where the fungus occurs, such as the creation of Conservation Units.
Other areas should be studied in order to assess the distribution of this species.
Acaulospora denticulata Sieverd. & S.Toro in GBIF Secretariat (2021). GBIF Backbone Taxonomy. Checklist dataset https://doi.org/10.15468/39omei
Maia, L. C., Passos, J. H., Silva, J. A., Oehl, F., & Assis, D. M. A. (2020). Species diversity of Glomeromycota in Brazilian biomes. Sydowia, 72, 181-205.
Marinho, F., da Silva, I. R., Oehl, F., & Maia, L. C. 2018. Checklist of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in tropical forests. Sydowia, 70, 107-127.
Posada, R. H., Sánchez de Prager, M., Heredia-Abarca, G., & Sieverding, E. (2018). Effects of soil physical and chemical parameters, and farm management practices on arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi communities and diversities in coffee plantations in Colombia and Mexico. Agroforestry Systems, 92(2), 555 574. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10457-016-0030-0
Country | Trend | Redlisted |