Expanded basidiomata 0.7–1.3 cm high × 2.4–4.5 cm diam, with arachnoid aspect. Exoperidium split into 6–8 rays, saccate, rays are long, slender and with longitudinal ridges on the external layer, non-hygroscopic; mycelial layer encrusted with few debris, partially persistent at maturity, yellowish brown to brown; mycelial layer hyphae tortuous, solid or with narrow lumen, slightly yellowish, 2–4 μm diam., with or without clamp connection; fbrous layer yellowish white, fbrous layer hyphae straight to tortuous, solid or with narrow lumen, hyaline to slightly yellowish, 2–9 μm diam.; pseudoparenchymatous layer yellowish grey when fresh, then dark brown when dry, pseudoparenchymatous hyphae round, yellowish, 32–104 × 27–56 μm. Endoperidium pale orange when fresh, then blond, globose, 0.8–1.2 cm high × 0.9–1.3 cm diam., sessile; peristome concolor with endoperidium, fbrillose, up to 0.2 cm high, delimited by a whitish line. Capillitial hyphae straight to more or less sinuous, with narrow lumen, covered with amorphous material, yellowish, 2.5–7 μm diam. Basidiospores globose, yellowish brown, with columnar ornamentation, 4–5 μm diam. Growing on soil
Since the species is reported from several countries worldwide, we suggest this species to be categorized as Least Concern (LC).
The species is known worldwide (10 countries), but probably corresponds to a complex of species.
There are 426 records of this species in GBIF, most of them from Brazil (132) and Costa Rica (109).
Population Trend: Uncertain
Found growing on soil. Common in Brazil, found in Atlantic Forest, Amazon Forest, Caatinga and Pampa.
In Brazil, this species is well distributed. It is found in the Atlantic Forest, a hotspot, in the Amazonia (currently being deforested at the highest rates in the last decades), Caatinga (threatened with desertification) and Pampa (threatened by grazing and farming).
Reports in Brazil are mostly from protected area.
Disjunction distribution of the species might indicate a complex of species.
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