A wide global distribution and a large population. Potentially favoured by global warming in northerly regions, and may hence expand its EOO. LC is suggested.
Eurasia, the Americas, S. Africa and Australia. Wide global distribution in temperate regions, largely lacking in subtropic/tropics and boreal regions as well as dry regions of Central and Eastern Asia. Reaches it northernmost occurrences in southern Sweden.
Appr 1600 records in GBIF database and a wide geographical distribution. Redlisted in some European countries due to habitat decline and loss. It is a thermophilous species that might be favoured in some regions by global warming. In a global perspective the population seems to be stable.
Population Trend: Stable
Species of warm deciduous woodland, calciphilous. In Central Europe a characteristic species in naturalized Robina forests on sandy soil. Also in deciduous nemoral woodland (Quercus, Corylus etc) and wooded pastures.
Country | Trend | Redlisted |