Wide world distrubution, occurring in a wide range of habitats. Over all stable populations . Could be assessed as LC.
Geastrum corollinum has a world wide distribution in the temperate zones.
Widely distributed globally with appr. 1400 records in GBIF database. Potentially stable populations. Recent dedicated search activities for fungi in coastal sand dunes in the Netherlands have shown it to be locally abundant.
Population Trend: Stable
Prefers dry and warm habitats on calcareous soil: among low grasses and herbs in sand dune vegetataion, in light deciduous woodland, shrub, forest edges; also in nutrient rich litter under Crataegus, Robinia etc and in needle beds under Juniperus. Potentially nitrophiloous.
Geastrum corollinum is threatened in its exposed localities if grazing is abandoned. In wooded and semi-wooded habitats it might be more resilient.
Redlisted in Sweden as EN on the C-criterion and in Denmark.
Country | Trend | Redlisted |