Correct name should be Phaeoclavulina macrospora
VU or EN
Phaeoclavulina macrospora is a saprotrophic fungus confined to calcareous, xerophytic forests and grasslands. Currently it is known with small populations from about 40 localities in Europe, confined to a habitat in decline over its known distribution. Considering the small population and subpopulations (less than 400 localities/10,000 individuals, and less than 1,000 mature individuals in each subpopulation) coupled with a decline/habitat deterioration, the species is listed as Vulnerable under criteria C2a(i).
Present name should be Phaeoclavulina macrospora
Synonym Ramaria broomei.
This clavarioid fungus is rare with less than 100 localities known worldwide. The small populations and destructions of the species habitats imply a threat. (Johan NItare)
Its is a mostly European species with a fragmented distribution in Northern and Central Europe and the european part of Russia (Urals). Mostly found in the temperate (nemoral) zon. In the Nordic countries, the species found once in Finland (Åland), about 10 times in costal regions in SE Sweden, a few times in Spain, three times in costal localities in Norway (once in the boreal zon), few times in England and single Germany and Switzerland. Reports from North America are wrong and refer to the closely related species Ramaria americana. A record from Japan need to be confirmed. In total, the species has been recorded from about 40 sites.
Phaeoclavulina macrospora is only found in exclusive small habitats in small and isolated population, only on grazed calcareous grasslands and xerophytic pasture forests. Pågående minskning men hotet olika beroende på habitat.
I torra tall- och lövskogar är avverkning hotet
på torra gräsmarker är upphävd hävd hotet.The fungus is threatened throughout Europe. In addition to decline of habitat, overgrowth with single bushes, as well as vegetation changes caused by fertilization or nitrogen loss (air pollution), pose threats. The nemoral deciduous forests and pastures have long been overgrown. These premises do not require any claim, but here all forms of felling that lead to a more closed vegetation blanket can pose a threat (including culturally justified restoration carvings). Some premises are located within nature reserves and there the reserve management should be adapted so that the plant sites are not accidentally destroyed.
Several of the known old sites have been exploited and destroyed.
Population Trend: Decreasing
A thermopilic saprotrophic species occurring only on calcareous soils in semi-arid regions.The fungus occurs both on the forest floor in broadleaved deciduous woodlands and in xerophytic calcareous pine forests and semi-natural grasslands. Almost all localities in the Nordic countries and in England are from costal spots.
In woodland localities, the main threat is logging. In previously open grazed xerophytic semi-natural grasslands, the main threat is that localities has been abandoned and become overgrown. Also the very small, isolated and fragmented populations is a threat in itself and exploitation of the spots.
This species is not known to be used.
Christan, J. 2008. Die Gattung Ramaria in Deutschland. IHW-Verlag.
Jeppson, M. 2011. Rödlistade och sällsynta svampar i Ojnareskogen. Rindi 2011.
Krieglsteiner, G.J. 2000: Die Grosspilze Baden-Württembergs, Bd. 2. Ulmer, Stuttgart.
Nitare, J. 2002. Svartnande fingersvamp Ramaria broomei i Sverige. Jordstjärnan 23 (2): 12-19.
Petersen, R.H. 1981: Ramaria subgenus Echinoramaria. Bibl. Mycol. Bd 79. Vaduz.
Shiryaev, A.G. 2007. Clavarioid fungi of the Urals II. The nemoral zone. Karstenia 47(1): 5-16.
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