• Proposed
  • Under Assessment
  • NTPreliminary Assessed
  • 4Assessed
  • 5Published

Tricholoma joachimii Bon & A. Riva

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Scientific name
Tricholoma joachimii
Bon & A. Riva
Common names
Olivgrüner Ritterling, Kompakter Bronze-Ritterling
IUCN Specialist Group
Mushroom, Bracket and Puffball
Assessment status
Preliminary Assessed
Preliminary Category
NT A2c+A3c+A4c, C1+C2a(i)
Proposed by
Tommy Knutsson
Tommy Knutsson
Anders Dahlberg
Anders Dahlberg, Claudia Perini, Elena Zvyagina
Comments etc.
Irmgard Krisai-Greilhuber, Reda Iršėnaitė, Michael Krikorev

Assessment Notes


Tricholoma joachimii is a rare European fungus forming mycorrhiza with Pinus. The species is confined to more or less base-rich, semi-open, xerothermic forests on sandy soils.

Few known localities, small population, heavily fragmented and confined to a rare habitat threatened by forestry.

The status and trend of the population is inferred from field observations combined with the known habitat decline. Past, ongoing and future habitat declines are estimated to impact negatively on all populations of T. joachimii iand the future looks bleak for this species. Estimated decline of area and quality of appropriate forest habitat has been and will continue to be be just under 30 % over 50 years. The length of evaluation period used for these estimates (50 years = three generations) follows recommendations of Dahlberg and Mueller (2011).  It is listed as Near Threatened because it almost qualifies for listing as Vulnerable under criteria A2c+3c+4c .

Taxonomic notes

Reports of Tricholoma joachimii in USA (Oregon) needs to be revised whether it belongs to same taxon as European material. It is not considered as the same taxon as in Europe here. Also findings recorded as T. joachimii in parts of Europe with different ecology, i.e. associated with Pinus pinaster in acid soils, need to be revisited to check for conspecificity. These observations are neither considered to belong to the same taxon.

Why suggested for a Global Red List Assessment?


Geographic range

This species is rare and scattered in South-Central Europe with a few isolated populations in northern Europe (Sweden, Norway).

Population and Trends

Currently know from less than 50 localities in 11 countries. The real number may be 10x higher and are cautially estimated to 500-1.000 inferring maximum 10.000-20.000 individuals. The habitat requirement, i.e. oldgrowth semiopen Pinus forests, is under threat from forestry and densification with spruce. Small subpopulations and heavily fragmented. The species are probably decreasing with more than 15% (maybe even as high as 30%) in 3 generations (50y).

Population Trend:

Habitat and Ecology

Tricholoma joachimii is a mycorrhizal fungus association with Pinus spp. The species seems confined to more or less base-rich, semi-open or xerothermic forests on sandy soils. Probably confined and adapted to semi-opened mixed forests that once where common and used for extensive grazing.

Boreal ForestTemperate Forest


The main threat to the species is forestry, especially clearcutting. Also replacement of semi-open mixed forest types with more dense and uniform Picea-dominated forests is negative. In part of its range the species is probably also loosing habitats due to suppression in fire frequency which results in more homogenic forest eco-systems.

Small-holder grazing, ranching or farmingUnintentional effects: large scale (species being assessed is not the target) [harvest]Suppression in fire frequency/intensity

Conservation Actions

The actions suggested is mainly focused on area protection and restoration of habitats incl. shrub removal and reintroduction of cattle to graze the forests. In Sweden there is an Action plan for the species (Johansson & Bohus-Jensen 2010). So far its resulted in an increase in knowledge but very few new localities found. All in all only known from 10 localities and about 100 carpophores seen.

Site/area protectionResource & habitat protectionSite/area managementHabitat & natural process restorationEducation & awareness

Research needed

Use and Trade


Bohus-Jensen, E. Artfaktablad Tricholoma joachimii. Link: http://www.artfakta.se/artfaktablad/Tricholoma_Joachimii_2072.pdf
Christensen M, Heilmann-Clausen J, 2013. The genus Tricholoma. Fungi of Northern Europe - vol 4: 1-228.
Johansson, P. & Bohus-Jensen, E. 2011. Åtgärdsprogram för sienamusseron, Tricholoma joachimii 2011-2015 . Link: http://www.lansstyrelsen.se/gotland/SiteCollectionDocuments/Sv/Publikationer/Natur-och-miljö/Hotade-arter/sienamusseron-2011-2015.pdf
Redlist of Slovak fungi. Link: http://www.wsl.ch/eccf/Slovakia.pdf

Country occurrence

Regional Population and Trends

Country Trend Redlisted