• Proposed
  • Under Assessment
  • LCPreliminary Assessed
  • 4Assessed
  • 5Published

Aleurina argentina (Rifai) Korf & W.Y. Zhuang

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Scientific name
Aleurina argentina
(Rifai) Korf & W.Y. Zhuang
Common names
IUCN Specialist Group
Cup-fungi, Truffles and Allies
Assessment status
Preliminary Assessed
Preliminary Category
Proposed by
Camille Truong
Camille Truong, Camila Monroy Guzmán
Comments etc.
Matthew Smith, James Westrip
David Minter

Assessment Notes


This species is found in association with a variety of Nothofagus species throughout Patagonia. It is not thought to be under significant threat and would not approach the thresholds for listing as threatened under any criterion. Therefore, it is listed as Least Concern.

Taxonomic notes

Basionym = Jafneadelphus argentinus Rifai

Why suggested for a Global Red List Assessment?

Geographic range

This species occurs throughout Patagonia, in Nothofagus forests. There have been reports from Australia, but they are not included in this assessment as these records probably represent a different species.

Population and Trends

This species fruits abundantly, and the total population size is considered to be larger than the the thresholds for listing under a threatened category. The species is not thought to face any major threats, and so the population is suspected to be stable.

Population Trend: Stable

Habitat and Ecology

This species is associated with a variety of Nothofagus species, and potentially some bryophytes (Cybernome 2020).

Subantarctic ForestTemperate Forest


This species is not thought to face any major threats.

Conservation Actions

It is known from several protected areas (e.g. Parque Nacional Nahuel Huapi, Parque Nacional Puyehue).

Research needed

Investigate whether records of this species in Australia truly represent the same species.

TaxonomyPopulation size, distribution & trends

Use and Trade

There are no reported uses of this species.


Cybernome, the Nomenclator for Fungi and their Associated Organisms. [www.cybertruffle.org.uk/cybernome/eng, website accessed: 30/04/20]

Gamundí, I. J., & Amos, V. (2007). Exploraciones micológicas en Tierra del Fuego. Bol. Soc. Argent. Bot., 42, 131–148.

Gamundí, I. J., Minter, D. W., Romero, A. I., Barrera, V. A., Giaiotti, A. L., Messuti, M. I., & Stecconi, M. (2004). Catálogo de los Discomycetes (Fungi) de Patagonia, Tierra del Fuego y áreas antárticas adjacentes. Darwiniana, 42, 63–164.

Country occurrence

Regional Population and Trends

Country Trend Redlisted