Phlebiopsis amethystea is easily recognized by the effused-reflexed basidioma, purplish colors of the smooth hymenophore, and brownish hyphae. It differs from the other species of the genus by the dark brown cystidia (Lima et al. 2019).
The species is known only to Brazil.
There are about 74 records of this species in GBIF (as Lopharia amethystea, Hjortstamia amethystea, Porostereum amethysteum), only to Brazil.
Population Trend:
In Brazil, the species is found in Amazon Forest, Atlantic Rain Forest and Cerrado.
In Brazil, this species is mostly distributed in pluvial forest domain, collected only once in Cerrado. Amazon has currently the highest rates of deforestation in the last decades and the Atlantic Forest and Cerrado are hotspots.
Most records are in protected areas.
More areas should be studied in order to assess the distribution of this species.
Country | Trend | Redlisted |