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Jimtrappea guyanensis T.W. Henkel, M.E. Smith & Aime

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Scientific name
Jimtrappea guyanensis
T.W. Henkel, M.E. Smith & Aime
Common names
IUCN Specialist Group
Mushroom, Bracket and Puffball
Assessment status
Assessment date
IUCN Red List Category
Smith, M.
Dentinger, B. & Mueller, G.M.

Assessment Notes

The content on this page is fetched from The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: https://www.iucnredlist.org/species/172832662/172861377


This species is known from three sites in Guyana, where a tiny fraction of its possible suitable habitat has been surveyed. Potential host plants occur in a large region encompassing parts of Venezuela, northern Brazil and south-east Colombia. This entire region is very under-sampled, being very remote and completely unsurveyed. In total, approximately 0.002% of its potential suitable habitat has been surveyed for fungi. It is not possible to estimate population size or trends, extent of occurrence, or area of occupancy. Increasing threats from timber and mineral extraction, and land use changes are anticipated, with the potential for these to be rapid if further road construction occurs. It is therefore assessed as Data Deficient, and further survey work in this region is urgently needed.

Geographic range

This species is known only from Dicymbe-dominated forests in the Upper Potaro and Upper Mazaruni River Basins of Guyana. There are three main collecting sites for this species.

Site 1: Guyana: Region 8 Potaro-Siparuni: Pakaraima Mountains, Upper Potaro River Basin, ~10 km south-east of a base camp at 5°18’04.8” N 59°54’40.4” W, near Tadang camp, 20 cm deep within lateritic soil under Dicymbe corymbosa, D. altsonii, and Aldina insignis.

Site 2: Guyana: Region 8 Potaro-Siparuni: Pakaraima Mountains, ~1.5 km south-west of base camp at 5°18’04.8” N 59°54’40.4” W, on Cathie’s Hill, in lateritic soil under D. corymbosa.

Site 3: Guyana: Region 7 Cuyuni-Mazaruni: Pakaraima Mountains, Upper Mazaruni River Basin, ~10 km west of Mt Ayanganna in vicinity of Pegaima savanna base camp at 5°26’21.3”, N 60°04’43.1” W, vicinity of base camp, in white sand soils under P. dipterocarpacea and Dicymbe jenmanii.

This entire region is very under-sampled, and there are areas in neighbouring Venezuela, northern Brazil and south-east Colombia with similar habitats and Dicymbe host tree species but which are very remote and completely unsurveyed.

Population and Trends

This species has been found in three different sites in Guyana in forests that are dominated by Dicymbe species. It may be a common ectomycorrhizal associate of Dicymbe across the wider Guiana Shield region, however this is unknown. The animal vector required for its dispersal is also unknown. It is, therefore, not possible to estimate how many additional sites exist and its population size is unknown.

Population Trend: unknown

Habitat and Ecology

It is found as solitary individuals or in small groups, semi-emergent at the humic layer interface on the forest floor, or hypogeous deeper within mineral soil, in forests on lateritic or white sand soils under Aldina insignis, Dicymbe altsonii, D. corymbosa, D. jenmanii, or Pakaraimaea dipterocarpacea.


Current threats include climate change and small-scale mineral extraction that can cause habitat disturbance although these threats are currently not thought to be severe as much of the interior of the region is very remote. Future threats from timber and mineral extraction, and land use changes are anticipated, with the potential for these to be rapid if further road construction occurs. Further impacts of climate change, particularly droughts, are also anticipated.

Conservation Actions

No conservation actions are currently in place for this species. Protection of habitat is needed. Additionally, more work is needed to understand the distribution across the wider Guiana Shield region.

Use and Trade

This species has no known human uses.

Source and Citation

Smith, M. 2020. Jimtrappea guyanensis. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2020: e.T172832662A172861377. https://dx.doi.org/10.2305/IUCN.UK.2020-3.RLTS.T172832662A172861377.en .Accessed on 5 February 2025

Country occurrence