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Artomyces nothofagi R.J. Kneal & M.E. Sm.

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Scientific name
Artomyces nothofagi
R.J. Kneal & M.E. Sm.
Common names
IUCN Specialist Group
Mushroom, Bracket and Puffball
Assessment status
Assessment date
IUCN Red List Category
IUCN Red List Criteria
Furci, G. & Smith, M.
Neves, M.A. & Mueller, G.M.

Assessment Notes

The content on this page is fetched from The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: https://www.iucnredlist.org/species/172818362/172861322


This species requires very large, highly decomposed, sodden fallen logs. Trees of this size are increasingly rarely left standing or rotting in its distribution. It is currently only known from three sites, but taking into account further potential areas its total population size is estimated as 120-600 mature individuals, with fewer than 20 in each subpopulation. A continuing decline in population size is estimated, but the rate is not known. Taking the lower end of this population size estimate, it is possible that this species could qualify for Critically Endangered; however it is thought that the upper end is more likely. It is, therefore, assessed as Endangered C2a(i).

Geographic range

This species is known from only three collections in wet temperate forests in southern Chile, one in Puyehue National Park, another from Melimoyu volcano and a third from near La Unión. 
Its extent of occurrence is very large (potentially over 60,000 km2 taking into account possible further sites of suitable habitat), but it is not possible to estimate its are of occupancy based on the data available.

Population and Trends

This species is apparently rare and is only found in mixed Nothofagaceae forests in southern Chile. The species has only been collected at 3 known sites on well-decayed Nothofagus wood in mature forest. This species is putatively dependent on mature mixed Nothofagaceae forests at wet sites and these forests are under threat due to human actions, particularly in the northern part of the species range. 

It has so far only been seen on one log per site, and although it is possible that it occurs on further logs in each site it is unlikely to occur on many as it requires such huge rotten logs. We therefore assume two genets per site, i.e. 4-20 ramets. At the known three sites, the total population is therefore estimated as 12-60 mature individuals. Considering that this is a conspicuous species with quite particular habitat requirements, it is likely to be found at up to ten times as many sites as it is currently known from. The total population accounting for these unknown sites is therefore estimated as 120-600 mature individuals.

Each site is expected to represent a separate subpopulation, and therefore the subpopulations are all expected to be very small (<20 mature individuals).

A continuing decline in the number of mature individuals is estimated based on a reduction of very old trees left standing or to rot, but there are no data available to be able to quantify this rate of decline.

Population Trend: decreasing

Habitat and Ecology

This species is a wood decaying fungus that is typically found on large, highly decayed trunks of Nothofagaceae in undisturbed wet forests.


This species requires tracts of undisturbed mixed Nothofagaceae forests so any threats to those forests are a threat to this species. The most important threats include forest clearance, including of fallen trees for firewood, human-induced forest fires, and grazing, particularly in the northern part of the species range.

Conservation Actions

This species is dependent on the ongoing preservation of mature, wet temperate forests in southern Chile. In the southern portion of its range, there are various protected areas. However, in the northern portion of its range, the forests are largely unprotected. Currently this species is known from one Protected Area: Puyehue National Park. The southern range of the distribution of this species does need to be assessed in the future - so further surveys are needed in old growth forests.

Use and Trade

There is no known human use or trade of this species.

Source and Citation

Furci, G. & Smith, M. 2020. Artomyces nothofagi. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2020: e.T172818362A172861322. https://dx.doi.org/10.2305/IUCN.UK.2020-3.RLTS.T172818362A172861322.en .Accessed on 4 February 2025

Country occurrence