• Proposed
  • 2Under Assessment
  • 3Preliminary Assessed
  • 4Assessed
  • 5Published

Fibroporia albicans B.K. Cui & Yuan Y. Chen

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Scientific name
Fibroporia albicans
B.K. Cui & Yuan Y. Chen
Common names
IUCN Specialist Group
Mushroom, Bracket and Puffball
Assessment status
Proposed by
Ole Sparre Pedersen
Comments etc.
Ole Sparre Pedersen

Assessment Notes

Taxonomic notes

Fibroporia albicans was originally described in 2015 from China. The small genera belongs to a group of fine pored crust-like fungi of the Fomitopsidaceae family.

Why suggested for a Global Red List Assessment?

Fibroporia albicans is a crust-like soft fine-pored sporocarp from subtropical forest, decomposing pine trees. It has a scattered occurrence with five records from China and one from Lao PDR in the period from 2008 to 2018, The continued wood collection activities in pine forests poses a threat to this rare species. It is assessed as …………under ….. due to a globally very small and restricted population.

Geographic range

In China, the fungus is recorded from Tibet as well as from Jangxi province in the south-western part of China. In Laos, only one record from Xieng Khouang province.

Population and Trends

First record from China is 2008 with very few records in subsequent years. The Lao record is from 2018. Web searches do not avail additional records. Due to the general high demand for pine timber, it is likely to Fibroporia albicans remains very rare and with a negative population trend.

Population Trend:

Habitat and Ecology

In China, Fibroporia albicans are recorded on decomposed pine trees causing brown rot. In Laos it was found on Pinus kesiya at 1,150 masl. at the later part of the rainy season. The temperate to subtropical climate Xieng Khouang province in Laos has a 40% forest cover dominated by conifers, especially in yellow red lateritic soils of the province.

Subtropical/Tropical Dry Forest


High demand for pine wood for fuel and other purposes combined with climate change cause a threat to Fibroporia albicans.

Shifting agricultureSmall-holder farming

Conservation Actions

So far, no conservation actions have been implemented. Encourage villagers to leave some wood in the forest and or establish smaller conservation zones in their community forest.

Site/area protection

Research needed

Research is needed to fully understand the impact of heavy pine wood collection and climate change to the occurrences of Fibroporia albicans.

Use and Trade

None. But indirectly the pine wood is used for firewood and utensils.


Country occurrence

Regional Population and Trends

Country Trend Redlisted