• Proposed
  • Under Assessment
  • Preliminary Assessed
  • VUAssessed
  • 5Published

Cantharellus ibityensis Buyck, Randrianj. & V. Hofst.

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Scientific name
Cantharellus ibityensis
Buyck, Randrianj. & V. Hofst.
Common names
IUCN Specialist Group
Mushroom, Bracket and Puffball
Assessment status
Preliminary Category
VU D1+2
Proposed by
James Westrip
James Westrip
Patrice Ravonjiarisoa
Gregory Mueller

Assessment Notes


Cantharellus ibityensis is endemic to Madagascar, known only from Ibity in the central highlands, near to Antsirabe. The population may be highly restricted to this one site, as all collections of the species have taken place here. It is not certain whether the species is being directly impacted by any threats, and the population trend is uncertain, but it is possible being affected given the impact of anthropogenic activities such as land clearance for agriculture and logging in this region of Madagascar. If such threats should commence in the species’ occupied range in the near future it could be driven to Critically Endangered or Extinct in a short period of time. In addition to having such a restricted range, the population size is also estimated to be very small, at 400-1,800 mature individuals. The lower estimate meets the thresholds for listing as Vulnerable under criterion D1, whereas the higher end of the estimate does not. A precautionary approach is taken and the species is assessed as Vulnerable under criterion D1, and it also meets the conditions for listing as Vulnerable under criterion D2.

Taxonomic notes

Why suggested for a Global Red List Assessment?

Chanterelle project

Geographic range

This species is only known from Ibity, in the central highlands of Madagascar, near Antsirabe (Buyck et al. 2015).

Population and Trends

In the type description it is noted that this species grows in dispersed groups of at least 12 specimens (Buyck et al. 2015). Depending on the degree of dispersal between specimens in these groups, it is tentatively assumed that these may represent approximately two to six functional individuals; and we would treat each functional individual as 10 mature individuals (per Dahlberg and Mueller 2011). Therefore, each group may potentially contain 20-60 mature individuals. The description in Buyck et al. (2015) mentions three specimens (the type plus two others), but there are only georeferenced data points for two of these, which show that there are at least two separate known groups (potentially three). Therefore, the minimum population size would be 40-120 mature individuals, which would be increased to 60-180 mature individuals if the 3rd collection came from a 3rd distinct group. Further groups may exist in the surrounding area, but given the restricted range of the observed occurrences of this taxon, then the total number of groups could be fairly small. Tentatively assuming that there may be 10x as many groups in the suitable habitat in the surrounding area would then give a population size estimate in the range 400-1,800 mature individuals.

The current population trend is uncertain. Global Forest Watch data (World Resources Institute 2021) appears to show little or no canopy cover loss within the potential range of the species since 2000, but this is no guarantee of a stable habitat, or stable population, especially given that the host species is generally found in more open woodland (see Rabarijaona 2019). While it is plausible that the species may have declined in the past 50 years (three generations; per Dahlberg and Mueller 2011), it is not possible to accurately estimate the rate of loss of the species directly, nor get an accurate suspicion based on the rate of loss of its habitat at its known locality.

Population Trend: Uncertain

Habitat and Ecology

This species has been found in woodland containing Uapaca bojeri (Buyck et al. 2015). It occurs on bare soil that is vertically oriented, for instance near to riverbeds (Buyck et al. 2015).

Dry Savanna


Logging and land conversion for agriculture are major threats to forests in Madagascar. The degree to which these are having an impact on this species, however, are uncertain especially because Cantharellus ibityensis is found in areas of vertical soil.

Shifting agricultureSmall-holder farmingUnintentional effects: subsistence/small scale (species being assessed is not the target) [harvest]

Conservation Actions

As this species is only known from one area only, then protecting this site would be beneficial for this species. If this is not feasible, then at least raising awareness of the species, and encouraging suitable habitat management amongst local stakeholders will be important.

Site/area protectionSite/area managementAwareness & communications

Research needed

Monitoring of the population and the habitat may be necessary in order to ascertain the population trend.

Population size, distribution & trendsPopulation trendsHabitat trends

Use and Trade

There is no information regarding use and trade.


Country occurrence

Regional Population and Trends

Country Trend Redlisted