EN B1+2 a,b (i, ii, ii, iv, 5)
Se infiere una disminución en i) extensión de presencia; (ii) área de ocupación; (iii) área, extensión y/o calidad del hábitat; (iv) número de localidades o subpoblaciones; (v) número de individuos maduros (c) Fluctuaciones extremas en cualesquiera de: (i) extensión de presencia; (ii) área de ocupación; (iii) número de localidades o sub
CR C2 a, i
CR en D Se conocen solo 4 individuos maduros
Endemical species registered from Colombian páramo and oak forest. In Colombia this systems are vulnerable, so the species can be endanger.
In Colombia, this endemic species have been collected in Cundinamarca and Meta departments of Colombia. Only have been found in mountain forests with Quercus humboldtii (oak) and Paramo complex. Known from 4 collections, two from oak forests in Santa Maria, Boyacá, and the other two from Ubala Cundinamarca. EOO= 1,557.227 km2 (based on GeoCAT), AOO= 20 km2 (based on GeoCAT).
This species is known from 4 functional individuos, two from each site. Although this species grows in oak phorophyte and páramos, this type of forests have been well study in some areas of the country, this species is not frequently founded. We asume that the population will decrease due to transformation of the natural ecosystems.
Population Trend: Decreasing
Epiphyte in montane forest with oak and páramo shrubs
Oak datos con referencias % en los últimos 10 años
Paramos, protegido, delimitación de páramos
Protected by 0213 national agreement, which includes bryophytes, lichens, orchids, and bromeliads.
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