• Proposed
  • Under Assessment
  • 3Preliminary Assessed
  • 4Assessed
  • 5Published

Tofispora scaberula (Hjortstam & Ryvarden) Hjortstam & Ryvarden

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Scientific name
Tofispora scaberula
(Hjortstam & Ryvarden) Hjortstam & Ryvarden
Common names
IUCN Specialist Group
Mushroom, Bracket and Puffball
Assessment status
Under Assessment
Proposed by
Catia Canteiro
Susana P. Cunha, Susana C. Gonçalves
Comments etc.
Catia Canteiro

Assessment Notes

Known from Columbia + Venezuela, it is a resupinate species (very likely overlooked), and there is no evidence of population decline (saprotroph, found growing on hardwood and dead polypore) which could point towards LC, but this seems rash when there are only 3 records (No occurences on GBIF or MyCoPortal).


Tofispora scaberula is a South American species. It has a relatively large distribution but is only known from only 3 collections made between 1978 and 1999.  Without further search attempts it is difficult to differentiate whether this species has a small population size and is potentially threatened or if it is overlooked and possibly Least Concern. Therefore it is assessed as Data Deficient (DD).

Taxonomic notes

Originally described as Botryohypochnus scaberula and later transferred to Tofispora in 2007. In 1998, Peter Roberts transferred all known Tofispora species to Thanatephorus, and considered them to be synonymous. However, upon the establishment of Tofispora scaberula in 2007, Hjortstam and Ryvarden still applied the genus Tofispora for this group thereby leaving T. scaburela as the only remaining species in its genus.

Why suggested for a Global Red List Assessment?

Geographic range

Known from Colombia (Cunindamarcha) and Venezuela (Bolivar and Aragua). (Hjortstam and Ryvarden 2007)

Population and Trends

T. scaburela is only known from collections made in 1978, 1995 and 1999 in 3 sites in Colombia and Venezuela. The small number of records could suggest a small population size but this may also be caused by a difficulty in identification or confusion with other similar species as well as under sampling, especially considering this is a resupinate fungus. Without further records it is therefore not possible to estimate population size.
Since this species is a saprotroph and found growing on hardwood and a dead polypore, it is difficult to establish population decline.

Population Trend: Uncertain

Habitat and Ecology

Resupinate species, found growing on hardwood and dead polypore.



Conservation Actions

Research needed

Taxonomic research is recommended to review the placement of this species in the Tofispora genus. Targeted search efforts are also needed to establish population size, distribution limits and habitat preferences.

TaxonomyPopulation size, distribution & trendsLife history & ecology

Use and Trade


Country occurrence

Regional Population and Trends

Country Trend Redlisted