Metatrichia vesparia is currently the accepted name of this species (Lado, 2005-2020).
Although to be a well distributed species, in Brazil this species need attention because many records are from endangered biomes. Thus, I suggest this species to be categorized in Least Concern
Metatrichia vesparia is known in 34 countries. In Brazil it is known in North (AM, RO, RR), Northeast (AL, BA, PA, PE, PI, RN, SE), Southeast (RJ, SP), Central west (DF) and South (PR, SC, RS). Actually there are 147 records from Brazil and not 5 records as shown on GBIF map, which shows only 05 records when seach for Metatrichia vesparium (synonym) (Cavalcanti et al., 2014; Costa et al., 2014).
Metatrichia vesparia has 3819 records in the world according to GBIF, of which 147 are from Brazil.
Population Trend: Uncertain
Metatrichia vesparia can be often found in decomposing tree trunk, although can develop in dead leaves, living tree bark and herbivore dung.
Metatrichia vesparia in Brazil is found in Atlantic and Amazon Forests which have been losing its biological diversity due to deforestation, agricultural activities and urbanization
Most of records are from protected area, but its also found in agricultural trees and unprotected areas.
More researches in Brazil (mainly midwest region) are necessary concerning field collection and moist chamber techniques using various types of substrate.
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