Laccaria trullissata is restricted to coastal sand dunes and remnant interior sand dunes in the central to eastern United States. There are also a few records from far eastern coastal Canada. It is not uncommon. The species is found partially buried in sand and is thought to form ectomycorrhizal associations with adjacent trees, often species of Pinus. It is assessed as Least Concern.
Laccaria trullissata is restricted to coastal sand dunes and remnant interior sand dunes in the central to eastern United States. There are also a few records from far eastern coastal Canada.
The species is found partially buried in sand in coastal dunes and interior remnant sand dunes (Mueller 1992). It is not uncommon.
Population Trend: Stable
This is a sand dune specialist found all along the eastern and gulf coast of the US, and Great Lakes . It also can be found growing in inland remnant dunes. It forms ectomycorrhizas, most often with species of Pinus.
As the species often grows distantly from possible ectomycorrhizal host tree, further investigation into its ecology is warranted .
Mueller, G.M. 1992
Country | Trend | Redlisted |