The species was registered for the first time in 1763 by th scientific name Clavaria flava, being realocated to the current Ramaria genera in 1888. It presents fruiting body with 10-20 cm high and 7-15 cm wide, in lemon to sulphur yellow collors and stem 50-80 x 40-50 mm with whitish base becoming brown as it ages. The spores are pale ochraceous, elliptic and roughened.
There is a few registration of this species all over the world, with zero registrations in herbariums according to the species link plataform and only 8 registers at the mycobank plataform. That may be duo the lack of recent molecular studies about the species (and genera), but even so, that makes a potential species to the global red list assignment.
The species was more commonly found in Europe, with its higher range being through the Mediterranean and the Iberian Peninsula. Currently there’s register in 9 different countries.
Population Trend: Improving
The species can be found in eucalyptus forests, broadleaf woodland and mixed or Beech woodlands. It’s also mycorrhizal with hardwoods, and there’s been registers in south of brazil about cases of cattle being intoxicated by it’s consuption.
The related biomas of the species has been threatned due the advances of monoculture of soy, advances of urbanization, logging and climate changes.
The generas composing the artificial group of coral fungi presents very few studies about molecular identification and DNA analysis, witch makes it difficult for us to know the real status of extinction threat surrounding this group, viewing that the species are very similar morphologicly speaking. Studies needed in this matter involve taxonomy, molecular analysis and filonegy analysis, so we can correctly identify the species being recently found and then do a correctly analysis abou it’s status and possible strategies of conservation.
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