Fomitopsis minutispora Rajchenb. MycoBank 13092
Chilean collections corresponded to descriptions
by Rajchenberg (1995, 2006).
Currently the species is known as Rubellofomes minutisporus (Rajchenb.) B.K. Cui, M.L. Han & Y.C. Dai. MycoBank 812667.
This species was first recorded for Chile in 2009, it corresponded well to descriptions done by Rajchenberg (1995, 2006). As for now, it has been only recorded in Los Ríos Region, southern Chile; since it grows in a forest matrix of several Nothofagus species and other hardwood and Myrtaceae trees, it is most likely to be found in similar environments, that share low temperature oscillations and a rainy season throughout the year.
This corresponds to southern Chile and parts of Argentina; it also belongs to a fragile and highly threatened type of forest with many native species. The main threats being: logging, cattle grazing; droughts and a big oscillation in temperature, a consequence of climate change.
The species is known from 8 localities in southern Chile, in Los Ríos Region, at approximately 40°15´ south latitude and 71°53´wet longitude, and 3 localities in Argentina at he same longitude than Chile. The chilean records can be separated in two groups: four sites inside a Huilo Huilo near Maihue lake and Fuy port; Pilmaqúen rive and Ipela river has been found near Lake Maihue in Futrono, Región de los Ríos, Southern Chile, as well as around lake Maihue, comuna Futrono, Los Ríos Region, in an area between 40°8’ and 40°15’ south latitude and 71°53’ and 71°60’ west longitude.
Previously was only known from the lake Lácar basin in southern Argentina, Queñi lake and Cha-Chin waterfall. It should be mentioned that both, the Argentinean and the Chilean collecting areas are at a linear distance of 25-40 km, in similar latitudes.
In Chile, there are 8 sites were the species has been registered, where 1-2 basidiomes were found per site. All occuring in Los Ríos Region; for Argentina there are 3 known sites: Lácar Lake, Cha-Chi waterfall and Queñi lake, all of them at a similar latitudes.
Since it grows in a forest matrix of several Nothofagus species and other hardwood and Myrtaceae trees (know as Valdivian jungle), it is most likely to be found in similar environments, that share low temperature oscillations and a rainy season throughout the year.The species has an EEOO of 812km2 and an AOO of 40km2.
Population Trend: Decreasing
Basidiomes were found growing on rotting trunks, within a forest matrix of Nothofagus obliqua, and Nothofagus dombeyi, frequently accompanied by hardwood species such as Aextoxicon punctatum,Eucryphia cordifolia, Laureliopsis philippiana and several Myrtaceae species which, hytogeographically, are immersed in the “Región del Bosque Laurifolio” (Gajardo 1994).
Rajchenberg, found the type within the phytogeographical context fo the South American temperate forest, specifically in the forest type of Nothofagus dombeyi, N. obliqua and N. alpina (syn: N. nervosa (Phil.) Krasser), suggesting the two latter as preferential substrates, where it may cause significant damage to the standing tree. Rajchenberg (2006), pointed out that, apparently, the species is restricted to the relatively temperate climate zones in the Patagonian Andean Region
Unfortunately for Chile, there are not areas declared as Soil, Forests and Water Conservation Districts, which is reflected in the high rates of biodiversity loss in southern Chile. The main cause being excessive natural resource exploitation, such as, logging native forest to transform them into Pine plantations, exotic species introduction, construction or water reservoirs for hydroelectric power, excessive grazing, among others (Pino, 2009). These threats correspond to anthropogenic activities mainly; there are also threats caused as a secondary effect of climate change, one being an increase in natural fires and droughts (Gutierrez, 2014)
None Conservation actions are in place right now, but, there should be habitat protection, and raising awarness about the importance of habitat preservation.
Research documenting the species distribution and environmental requirements.
There is no record of it.
Gajardo, R. (1994). La vegetación natural de Chile. Clasificación y distribución geográfica. Editorial Universitaria, Santiago.
Gutiérrez, A. G., Armesto, J. J., Dïaz, M. F., & Huth, A. (2014). Increased drought impacts on temperate rainforests from Southern South America: Results of a process-based, dynamic forest model. PLoS ONE, 9(7), [e103226].
Han, M., Chen, Y., Shen, L. et al. Taxonomy and phylogeny of the brown-rot fungi: Fomitopsis and its related genera. Fungal Diversity 80, 343–373 (2016).
SANDOVAL, P., & RAJCHENBERG, M. (2011). Fomitopsis minutispora Rajchenb., nuevo registro de Polyporales para la micobiota chilena. Gayana. Botánica, 68(2), 319-322.
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