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Cortinarius dalecarlicus Brandrud

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Scientific name
Cortinarius dalecarlicus
Common names
IUCN Specialist Group
Mushroom, Bracket and Puffball
Assessment status
Assessment date
IUCN Red List Category
IUCN Red List Criteria
Brandrud, T.-E.
Iršėnaitė, R. & Kałucka, I.L.

Assessment Notes

The content on this page is fetched from The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: https://www.iucnredlist.org/species/147778354/147778550


The estimated European and global population are assumed to comprised approx 400 localities, which correspond to 8,000 mature individuals. Cortinarius dalecarlicus is, like its habitat, calcareous spruce forests, assumed to have had a decline of 15-20% in 50 years (or three generations). Based on this, the species is could be assessed as NT according to the A-criterion (A2c + 3c + 4c) (species/habitat decline >15%). However, according to the C criterion (C2a(i)), the species reaches the threshold to classify as VU, due to its continuous decline (inferred from its habitat decline), population size <10,000 and individuals and very small/isolated subpopulations (less than 1,000 individuals per subpopulation).

Taxonomic notes

Cortinarius dalecarlicus is well-circumscribed and rather easy identifiable, although it might resemble a few, sometimes co-occurring species such as C. piceae, C. corrosus and C. kristinae.

Geographic range

Cortinarius dalecarlicus belongs to a bicentric boreal-montane coniferous forest element in (western) Europe. It has its main distribution in SE-C Norway (Oslo-Mjøsa region, Trondheimsfjord and SE-C Sweden (Gotland-Uppland-Dalarne-Jämtland), as well as Estonia. In Central/Western Europe the species is known only from a very few sites in The French Jura, Prealps, the Austrian Prealps and the Italian Prealps of S Tyrol. It is probable that the species occur also in other parts of the Prealps, possibly also further east in the Carphatians. It should be noted that investigations so far indicate that this species and some other more or less strictly calcareous Picea abies forest associated taxa (such as C. caesiocinctus and C. piceae) lacks in Siberia and North America, and this seems to be a strictly European element.

Population and Trends

The species is known from approx 15 localities of Norway (mainly the Tyrifjord-Randsfjord-Mjøsa district of SE Norway, and the lake Snåsavatn district of inner Trondheimsfjord of C Norway), and approx 15 localities from SE-C Sweden (Gotland, Uppland/Gävle, Dalarne and Jämtland). The real, total number of localities in Scandinavia is estimated to approx 300. So far, the species is found in 5 sites in Central Europe in Jura-Prealp region. Here we assume that the species might bee more overlooked, and estimate the real, total number of localities to be approx 100.

The estimated European and global population, thus, adds up to approx 400 localities, which corresponds to 8,000 mature individuals (Dahlberg and Mueller 2011). Cortinarius dalecarlicus is, like its habitat, calcareous spruce forests, suspected to had undergone a decline of 15-20% in a period of 50 years or three generations (Artsdatabanken 2018).

Population Trend: decreasing

Habitat and Ecology

Cortinarius dalecarlicus is a mycorrhizal species associated mainly with Picea abies, probably also with Abies alba and Pinus sylvestis. The species is strictly calciphilous, and its major habitat is boreal calcareous spruce forests.


Cortinarius dalecarlicus is suffering from decline of calcareous coniferous forest types, due to e.g. area loss in more heavy populated areas and loss/fragmentation of older coniferous forest stands due to intensive (clear-cut) forestry. Its major habitat, mature calcareous Picea abies forests, are now being regarded as threatened in Scandinavia (Artsdatabanken 2018).

Conservation Actions

To prevent decline and further fragmentation of calcareous Picea abies(-Abies alba) forests with good habitat quality, it is important to set aside reserves on calcareous hotspots, housing many rare/threatened, habitat-specific species such as C. caesiocinctus, C. meinhardii and C. piceae. It is furthermore important to establish also sites with a less strict conservation regime, such as woodland key biotopes, where some non-destructive human activities are accepted (such as non-intensive, closed cutting).

More mapping/surveying and monitoring of C. dalecarlicus are needed. More data on occurrences in calcareous Picea abies forests of E Europe are especially needed (little investigated regions). Finally, more documentation on the degree of decline of the habitat itself is needed.

Use and Trade

The species is not used.

Source and Citation

Brandrud, T.-E. 2019. Cortinarius dalecarlicus. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2019: e.T147778354A147778550. https://dx.doi.org/10.2305/IUCN.UK.2019-2.RLTS.T147778354A147778550.en .Accessed on 3 February 2024

Country occurrence