A rare species with a small distribution area. Proposed and data compiled by Göran Thor.
Suggested assessment by proposer: EN on A3bc, population decrease 80 (50-90) % the coming 100 years.
The species is only found in Northern Europe. It is red-listed in e.g. Germany and Sweden.
The total population is small and large part of its population is on Fraxinus excelsior. About 10 localities are presently known from Sweden.
Population Trend:
The species occurs on Fraxinus excelsior and more rarely also on Corylus avellana, Fagus sylvatica and Quercus spp. in ancient woodlands with long tree continuity not severely affected by air pollution.
Ash dieback is a major threat, but also forestry and air pollution.
All localities where the species occurs on other tree species than Fraxinus excelsior should be protected.
ArtDatabanken. http://www.artfakta.se/Artfaktablad/Reichlingia_Zwackhii_1769.pdf
Rote Listen Deutschland. http://www.bfn.de/0322_rote_liste.html
Country | Trend | Redlisted |