• 1Proposed
  • 2Under Assessment
  • 3Preliminary Assessed
  • 4Assessed
  • 5Published

Gyalecta herculina (Rehm) Baloch, Lumbsch & Wedin

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Scientific name
Gyalecta herculina
(Rehm) Baloch, Lumbsch & Wedin
Common names
belónia karpatská
Белонія геркулінська
IUCN Specialist Group
Assessment status
Proposed by
Olga Nadyeina
Olga Nadyeina
Comments etc.
Anders Dahlberg

Assessment Notes

Taxonomic notes

Species have been recently removed to the genus Gyalecta due to its phylogeny (Baloch et al. 2013)

Why suggested for a Global Red List Assessment?

Species is strictly associated with old-grown beech-dominated forests in Europe and Caucasus, its threatened almost in all countries of its distributional areal. Decreasing of the natural beech forests area, its fragmentation and ongoing management, as well as, probably, environmental pollution, are of main factors thought to influence distribution of this species.

Geographic range

Species used to thought as Carpathian endem (Lisicka & Lackovicovä 1998) because it is strictly binded to beech-dominated old-grown forests in Eastern (Kondratyuk et al. 2003), Western (Bielczyk et al. 2004), Southern Carpathians (Ciurchea 1998), and Slovenian Alps (Mrak et al. 2004). However species also growing in Crimean mountains (Khodosovtsev et al. 2013), and known from Caucasus (Barkhalov 1983, Urbanavichus & Andreev 2010). The locality in GBIF from USA is wrong, but its belong to Czech Republic.

Population and Trends

Populations of this lichens are strongly dependent on the state of its habitats, natural or semi-natural beech forests. Trend in this lichen’ populations directly follow decline of natural beech forests, its fragmentation and management.

Population Trend:

Habitat and Ecology

Species is strictly associated with mouintain old-grown beech-dominated forests. Prefer to grow on the beeches with rough bark, in the lower part of the stem.

Temperate Forest


Main threat for this species is declining of natural beech forests, their fragmentation and management. Therefore habitat protection is needed, preventing of clearcuts (which change microclimate nessesery for the species, and destroy lichen’ habitat).

Logging & wood harvesting

Conservation Actions

Habitat protection, preventing of clearcuts. The localities of species are mainly in the sites with formal protection (as Reservers, National parks, etc.).

Resource & habitat protection

Research needed

Study of population trends are needed across its distributional range. Responce to climate change, and environmental pollution have to be studied.

Population size, distribution & trendsArea-based Management PlanPopulation trends

Use and Trade


Barkhalov S. O. 1983. Flora lishajnikov Kavkaza (The Lichen Flora of Caucasus). Baku: Elm Press
Bielczyk U., Lackovičovőkös L., Breuss O. & Kondratyuk S.Ya. 2004. Checklist of lichens of the Western Carpathians. W. Szafer Institute of Botany, Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków: 181 pp.
CIEŚLIŃSKI S., CZYŻEWSKA K. & FABISZEWSKI J. 2003 Czerwona lista porostów wymarlych i zagrozonych w Polsce. Red list of threatened lichenized fungi in Poland. Monogr. Bot. 91: 13-49.
Ciurchea, M. 1998. Catalog of lichens in Romania.
Khodosovtsev, O., Dymytrova, L., Nadyeina, O., Naumovych, A., Khodosovtseva, Y., & Scheidegger, C. 2013. A contribution to beech forest-associated epiphytic lichen-forming and lichenicolous fungi in Crimean Mts (Ukraine). Fl. Medit. 23: 57-68.
Kondratyuk S.Ya., Popova L.P., Lackovičovšút I. 2003. A catalogue of the Eastern Carpathian lichens. M. H. Kholodny Institute of Botany, Kiev, Institute of Botany, Bratislava: 263 pp.
Liška J., Palice Z.& Slavíková Š. 2008. Checklist and Red List of lichens of the Czech Republic. Preslia 80: 151–182.
Lisicka E. & Lackovicovä A.1998. ON LICHENS IN SLOVAKIA. Sauteria 9: 297-302.
Mrak, T/ Mayrhofer, H/ Batic, F 2004: Contributions to the lichen flora of Slovenia XI. Lichens from the vicinity of Lake Bohinj (Julian Alps) [Beiträge zur Flechtenflora von Slowenien XI. Flechten aus dem Gebiet um den Wocheiner See (Julische Alpen)]. - Herzogia 17: 107-127.
Pisút, I., Guttová, A., Lackovicová, A. & Lisická, E. 2001. Cerveny zoznam lisajníkov Slovenska (December 2001) [Red List of lichens of Slovakia (December 2001)] Ochrana Prírody, Supplement 20: 23–30.
Urbanavichus, G., and M. Andreev. 2010. A checklist of the lichen flora of Russia. St Peterburg: Nauka.

Country occurrence

Regional Population and Trends

Country Trend Redlisted