• 1Proposed
  • 2Under Assessment
  • 3Preliminary Assessed
  • 4Assessed
  • 5Published

Cantharellus lilacinopruinatus Hermitte, Eyssart. & Poumarat

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Scientific name
Cantharellus lilacinopruinatus
Hermitte, Eyssart. & Poumarat
Common names
IUCN Specialist Group
Mushroom, Bracket and Puffball
Assessment status
Proposed by
Christine Tansey
Christine Tansey
Comments etc.
James Westrip

Assessment Notes


Since the relatively recent description of Cantharellus lilacinopruinatus, there have been limited records of occurrence.  It may also have been recorded under other names, including C. ferruginascens and C. alborufescens. Without clearer data on the occurrence of C. lilacinopruinatus across its habitat, it is difficult to assess the status of its population, but it given its likely wide distribution and under-recording, this may be relatively large.

Under the assumptions that C. lilacinopruinatus has a range across the Mediterranean region, occurs in habitats associated with some widely distributed tree species that have been assessed as Least Concern, and therefore has a sizeable population, it is tentatively assumed that C. lilacinopruinatus may be of Least Concern.

Taxonomic notes

Described as Cantharellus lilacinopruinatus by J.-C. Hermitte, G. Eyssartier and S. Poumarat in 2005. Cantharellus ferruginascens f. lilacinopruinatus (Hermitte, Eyssart. & Poumarat) Eyssart is listed as a synonym on Index Fungorum.

More recently, a multigene phylogenetic study found C. lilacinopruinatus to be a synonym of C. alborufescens (Olariaga et al, 2017).

Preliminary assessment conducted based on C. lilacinopruinatus species information. Clarification of taxonomic status required to review this preliminary assessment.

Why suggested for a Global Red List Assessment?

Chanterelle species to be assessed as part of the chanterelle comprehensive project - drop as is a synonym.

Geographic range

C. lilacinopruinatus was described from France with Quercus ilex and Quercus pubescens, subsequent records available via GBIF come from Italy, Croatia and Austria. Several papers have identified and examined the habitat of C. lilacinopruinatus in Spain, including the Balearic Islands (Pérez-De-Gregorio & Mir, 2006; Becerra & Robles, 2009).

Range extent is therefore uncertain but Pérez-De-Gregorio & Mir (2006) report that the type was described as very common in the south of France and Olariaga & Salcedo (2008) refer to it as a Mediterranean species associated with Quercus on calcareous soil. It can therefore be inferred to occur across suitable habitat in Mediterranean Europe.

The KML polygon file attached is a minimum inferred range of C. lilacinopruinatus based on existing occurrence data, reports from papers and Quercus ilex and Quercus pubescens extent, with an estimated area of 743,755 km2 (including sea cover). This range assumes a distribution for C. lilacinopruinatus that coincides with key oak species. Global Forest Watch’s mapping data suggests forest and shrubland occurs across the whole area with agricultural land widely interspersed in this inferred range.

There is a lack of existing georeferenced occurrence data, but the existence of similar Cantharellus species such as C. ferruginascens and C. alborufescens (for which C. lilacinopruinatus has be identified as a synonym by Olariaga et al, 2017) across the range suggests some observations of C. lilacinopruinatus could have been attributed to other species.

Assumptions about range may be different if C. lilacinopruinatus is assessed under its more recent taxonomic classification as a synonym of C. alborufescens.

Population and Trends

Estimation of population requires a more thorough examination of data to assess what can be completed.

C. lilacinopruinatus was relatively recently described and therefore there are few spatio-temporal records to base population size and trends over time upon. It has a potentially wide distribution, and several associated tree species (Quercus ilex and Quercus pubescens). Pérez-De-Gregorio & Mir (2006) point out that C. lilacinopruinatus is likely to have recorded in the past under easily confused species such as C. ferruginascens and C. alborufescens. It is therefore tentatively assumed to have a larger, more widespread population than current occurrence data indicates, likely across much of Mediterranean Europe where appropriate habitat exists.

Population estimates depend on the assumptions about the inferred range. There are a relatively small number records of this species, therefore estimating the likely number of unrecorded localities, or functional individuals per locality is uncertain. However, using key oak species to indicate habitat and a series of broad assumptions based on the information available it may be possible to make a population estimate. These assumptions should be examined in reviewing this species - and additional information sought.

Population trend is uncertain, due to the lack of temporal occurrence data for this species. In addition, Q. ilex and Q pubescens species thought to be part of its key habitat have been assessed as Least Concern.

Population Trend: Uncertain

Habitat and Ecology

Habitat information gleaned from papers and Index Fungorum as unable to access type description.

Type described from calcareous soil with Quercus ilex and Quercus pubescens. Spanish specimens have also been recorded from Mediterranean Quercus ilex forests and limestone (Pérez-De-Gregorio & Mir, 2006; Becerra & Robles, 2009).

Temperate ForestMediterranean-type Shrubby Vegetation


No major threats identified.
Quercus ilex and Quercus pubescens, which are thought to characterise the habitat of C. lilacinopruinatus, have been assessed as Least Concern. These tree species do face localised threats including development, conversion to agriculture and fire, as well as drought as a consequence of climate change. Threats to this habitat could impact on C. lilacinopruinatus but work is required to identify the extent of such threats.

Housing & urban areasTourism & recreation areasScale Unknown/UnrecordedScale Unknown/UnrecordedIncrease in fire frequency/intensityDroughts

Conservation Actions

Research needed

Confirmation of taxonomic status (synonymy) and an evaluation of its distribution, population, habitat and ecology is required to better assess this species.

Identifying whether occurrence records of C. lilacinopruinatus have been attributed to other species, and how widespread the species is across the inferred habitat would help address the initial assumptions made in this assessment.

TaxonomyPopulation size, distribution & trendsLife history & ecologyThreats

Use and Trade

Pérez-De-Gregorio & Mir (2006) suggest this species is a traditionally consumed edible mushroom in the areas of Spain they identified it; Girona, Mallorca and Menorca.

Food - human


Country occurrence

Regional Population and Trends

Country Trend Redlisted