Rigidoporus lineatus is characterized by the sessile to rarely substipitate basidiomata, pinkish buff to reddish-brown pileus surface, small pores,thick-walled, smooth to strongly encrusted cystidia and subglobose to globose basidiospores. It is macromorphologically similar to R. microporus, and only differing by the lack of cystidia and pores size (GOMES-SILVA et al 2014).
The species in known in 26 countries.
There are about 1234 by records of this species in GBIF, about half of them in Brazil.
Population Trend: Uncertain
In Brazil, the species is found in Amazon Forest and Atlantic Forest.
In Brazil, this species is mostly recorded in the Atlantic Forest, a hotspot. The other records are in the Amazonia, which has currently the highest rates of deforestation in the last decades.
Some records in Brazil are in unprotected areas.
Other areas should be studied in order to assess the distribution of this species.
Country | Trend | Redlisted |