Peridium infundibuliform, 7–12 mm high, 5–9 mm wide at the mouth, not expanding at the top or tapering abruptly at the base; attached to the substrate by a conspicuous emplacement, chocolate brown to dark brown (6F5–8F6), 2.5–6 mm in diameter. Exoperidium hairy, concolor to the emplacement, covered with a 0.7–1 mm tomentum, arranged in regular and flexible tufts; external wall smooth to faintly plicate, 0.4–0.7 mm between folds. Mouth minutely fimbriated, 0.1–0.3 mm, chocolate brown to dark brown (6F4–8F6). Endoperidium brownish grey to greyish brown (7D2–7F3), smooth to faintly plicate, 0.5–0.75 mm between folds, slightly bright, not contrasting with the exterior. Stipe 1.5–3 mm length, greyish brown to brownish grey (7E2–6F2); epiphragm white, flexible. Peridioles 1.5–2.5 (3) mm × 1.5–2.5 mm, greyish brown (7F3), 12–18 per basidioma, irregular to circular in outline. Tunic hyaline, bronze. Cortex double layered. Basidiospores smooth, hyaline, elliptical to ovoid, without an apicule, 13.97–19.05 × 10.16–13.97 µm (L = 16.93 µm; W = 11.43 µm; Qm = 1.49), thin walled 1.27–2.54 µm. Growing on rotten wood.
Known from a few countries. In Brazil, known from protected area. We, thus, suggest this species to be categorized as Near Threatened (NT).
Known from tropical America, eastern Asia and Australasia (4 countries).
There are 33 records of this species in GBIF, most of them from Brazil (21). Disjunction distribution might indicate a complex of species.
Population Trend:
In Brazil, there are records from a few states (4). Found on rotting wood. In Brazil, the species is found in Atlantic Forest, Amazon Forest, and Caatinga.
Only a few records from Brazil. It is found in the Atlantic Forest, a hotspot, in the Amazonia (currently being deforested at the highest rates in the last decades) and Caatinga (threatened with desertification).
Reports in Brazil are from protected area.
More taxonomic studies to better understand the disjunction distribution of the species and more collections.
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