• Proposed
  • Under Assessment
  • Preliminary Assessed
  • LCAssessed
  • 5Published

Cortinarius olympianus A.H. Sm.

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Scientific name
Cortinarius olympianus
A.H. Sm.
Common names
IUCN Specialist Group
Mushroom, Bracket and Puffball
Assessment status
Preliminary Category
Proposed by
Noah Siegel
Gregory Mueller, Noah Siegel
Comments etc.
Shannon Adams, James Westrip

Assessment Notes


Cortinarius olympianus is a medium-sized to large mushroom distinguished by its ‘cool’ violet to lilac cap that fades in age, pale lilac gills, an abruptly bulbous stipe, relatively stout stature, and a bright rosy-pink KOH reaction on the cap. Uncommon to rare, documented from ~50 known locations . This species appears to be restricted to mature and old growth conifer forests. While there are likely scattered threats to this species, its population is not thought to be under rapid decline.  It is assessed as Least Concern.

Taxonomic notes

Described by A.H. Smith (1939) from a collection made at
Olympic Hot Springs, in Olympic National Park,
Washington in 1935.

Why suggested for a Global Red List Assessment?

A medium-sized to large mushroom distinguished by its ‘cool’ violet to lilac cap that fades in age, pale lilac gills, an abruptly bulbous stipe, relatively stout stature, and a bright rosy-pink KOH reaction on the cap. Uncommon to rare; appears to be restricted to mature and old growth conifer forests.

Geographic range

Known from southern British Columbia, Canada, south through the Cascade and Olympic Mountains in the Pacific Northwest, less common in the Coast Ranges, and coastal locations, east to the northern Rocky Mountains in Idaho, south to scattered locations in the Klamath Ranges and a single historic site in the Sierra Nevada in California, USA (although these is some question regarding the identity of this collection).

Population and Trends

Widespread in the Pacific Northwest and Northern California; currently known from 50+ locations but likely occurs in many more sites. ost collections come from mature and old growth forests, which is in decline but its population is not thought to be under rapid decline.

Population Trend: Uncertain

Habitat and Ecology

Ectomycorrhizal with conifers; either restricted to, or with a preference for mature and old growth forests. Solitary or scattered, growing from soil or duff, often in small patches. More commonly in Cascade forests, occasional in coastal or coast range forest in the Pacific Northwest.

Temperate Forest


Little is known about this species’ life history and ecology so this list of threats is based on informed conjecture.  So parts of its range are impacted by logging.  Additionally, fire is a threat since stand replacing fires could severely diminish the extent of suitable habitat.

Unintentional effects: large scale (species being assessed is not the target) [harvest]Increase in fire frequency/intensity

Conservation Actions

Undertake surveys to identify and protect habitat known to host this species. Logging and machine clearing of understory vegetation should be limited in mature (or old growth forest) in areas where this species is likely to occur.

Site/area protectionSite/area management

Research needed

Identify habitat limitations for this species as it may be restricted to mature and old growth forests in the Pacific Northwest.

Population size, distribution & trendsLife history & ecology

Use and Trade

None known.


Castellano, M., J.E. Smith, T. O’Dell, E. Cázares & S. Nugent. 1999. Handbook to Strategy 1 Fungal Species in the Northwest Forest Plan. General Technical Report PNW-GTR-476. United States Department of Agriculture.

Smith, A.H. 1939. Studies in the Genus Cortinarius. I. Contributions from the University of Michigan Herbarium. 2:5-42

Country occurrence

Regional Population and Trends

Country Trend Redlisted