Bovista plumbea is the generic type species and easy to recognize.
Bovista plumbea is an easily recognizable, common species with a wide distribution in different kinds of grassland in the northern hemisphere. Less frequent in the southern hemisphere and potentially introduced to some countries. Currently not threatened. LC is proposed.
Bovista plumbea is a common species all over the Eurasian and North American continents. More rarely recorded in the southern hemisphere and possibly introduced in eg New Zeeland (Kreisel 1967).
Large population, one of the more common species of Bovista; widely distributed.
Population Trend: Stable
Bovista plumbea is a frequent saporptrophic species in almost all kinds of grassland in lowland regions of the temperate zone: dry meadows, grazed grassland, steppe vegetation, also on lawns, in gardens, urban parks, grassy car parks, farm yards, golf courses, road side verges etc. It is less frequent in mountane regions and is absent from the arctic vegetation.
No threats
No conservations actions needed.
Country | Trend | Redlisted |