Information regarding the distribution of any remaining wild population of this species appears to be lacking. Further research is needed in order to determine whether any individuals of this species exist in the wild, the habitat preferences of this species, and to what extent it may be threatened where it may occur. Until further research yields such information, this species is listed as Data Deficient.
There are taxonomic questions to be asked about this species as in the type description it is compared to the slime mould genus Didymium (see Berkeley and Curtis 1869).
Chanterelle species
The type of this species was collected in Cuba, with no specific locality noted (see Berkeley and Curtis 1869). Burt (1924) does not include any additional records, and there appear to have been no subsequent collections either.
There are no quantitative data regarding the overall population size and trend.
Population Trend: Uncertain
The type description of this species was noting as growing solitarily or in small clumps on dead ferns (with a labelled substratum of “on stumps”; see Burt 1924), although the species upon which this fungus was growing is unknown (Berkeley and Curtis 1869).
Without further information regarding the collecting locality, and full distribution of the species, it is not possible to ascertain the threats it may be facing.
Specific geographic information is unknown and is likely to remain as such without further research. No conservation action can therefore be recommended at this time.
Further research into this species’ locality, habitat preferences (specifically which species it associates with), and whether it is threatened across its native range is required in order to accurately classify this species.
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