Basidiomata broadly obconic, without stipe, 5.5-8.0 mm high and 4.0-8.0 mm wide at the mouth; outer surface of the peridium not plicate, yellowish brown, densely hirsute, becoming glabrous in age, hairs yellowish brown; inner surface not plicate, dark blond, shiny. Peridioles ellipsoid to globose in outline, gray, shiny, 2.0-2.5 mm diam., one-layered cortex with thin tunica. Basidiospores ellipsoid to subglobose, hyaline, smooth (16-) 17-19.5 (-20) × (9-) 10-11 ȝm, thick-walled, walls 2-3 um thick.
The species seems to be well distributed in tropical America. We, thus, suggest this species to be categorized as Least Concern (LC).
More common in Tropical America, but also known from Australia, and Asia (China).
There are 32 records of this species in GBIF, most of them from Brazil (6).
Population Trend: Uncertain
Found on rotting wood. In Brazil, only known from the Northeastern Region, in Atlantic Forest and Caatinga.
In Brazil, this species is only known from a few states. It is found in the Atlantic Forest, a hotspot, and Caatinga (threatened with desertification).
Reports in Brazil are from protected and unprotected area.
We need more collections of the species.
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