Occurring in several countries in Europe, however likely <15 records in each of those countries.
The species is know from a large number of countries in Europe, mostly Southern, Western and Central Europe. Only a few localities per country are reported with at most a few fruiting bodies, often just a single one. The fruiting bodies are large and colored enough to be unlikely to be overlooked by professionals and can be of interest of general public. Therefore it is likely to meet the criteria D based on number of fruiting bodies.
The species is rare everywhere and in most countries it is known from only 1–5 localities. (Holec, 2009)
Leucoagaricus ionidicolor is a widely distributed, but a very rare species in Europe. (Lange 2012)
Population Trend: Uncertain
Holec (2009) notes based on review of findings that L. ionidicolor seems to be able to grow both in coniferous and broadleaved forests and to decay both raw humus (litter and debris) and soft wood in final stages of decay. It occurs in natural forests as well as man-influenced and man-made habitats (parks, ruderal sites).
Likely none.
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