Hydnum sclerodontium Berk. & Mont. (1844) MycoBank Index Fungorum
≡ Pterula sclerodontia (Berk. & Mont.) Lloyd (1922)
≡ Tremellacantha sclerodontia (Berk. & Mont.) Jülich (1980)
≡ Protohydnum sclerodontium (Berk. & Mont.) Hjortstam & Spooner (1990)
≡ Elmerina sclerodontia (Berk. & Mont.) Miettinen & Spirin (2018)
Based on Inaturalist records, it is only found in Southeast Asia and its forests are declining (30% from 2005 to 2015; 21% projected from 2019-2050 - Estoque et al. 2019). This species is also suspected of population decline exceeding
30% within three generations (50 years). So, it considers as A4c Vulnerable
Population Trend:
Malysheva, V, Spirin, V., Miettinen, O., Motato-Vásquez, V., Hernawati, Sathiya Seelan, J.S., & Larsson, K.H. 2018. Revision of Protohydnum (Auriculariales, Basidiomycota). Mycological Progress 18:1079–1099
Estoque, R.C., Ooba, M., Avitabile, V., Hijioka, Y., DasGupta, R., Togawa, T. and Murayama, Y. 2019. The
future of Southeast Asia’s forests. Nature Communications 10(1829): 1-12.
Country | Trend | Redlisted |