Stropharia trinitensis (Dennis) Cortez, Mycotaxon 105: 10 (2008) [MB # 511476]
Naematoloma trinitense (Dennis) Singer, Os Agaricales na taxonomia moderna. Edn 4: 564 (1986) [MB # 521768]
Hypholoma trinitensis (Dennis) Pegler (1983) [MB # 266145]
The occurrence of this species occurs in areas with intense anthropic action.
Distribution in the Brazilian territory, specifically São Paulo (SP).
Population Trend: Uncertain
Characteristic of the Cerrado phytogeographic domain, found in the cerrado vegetation (lato-sensu). Its substrate is decomposing trunks, it has a life form like saprobium, whose survival depends on the decomposing organic matter.
The economic growth of this region, subsidized by mining, agriculture and some industrial sectors, has caused a great threat especially to species of fungi.
These organisms are the main decomposers of organic matter, a process that includes the cycling and incorporation of nutrients in the various biotic and abiotic interactions that occur in ecosystems.
The wide transformations in the Cerrado as well as the threat status of many species put us in front of discussions about the conservation of this phytogeographic domain, since the interactions of the fungi addressed reveal great importance in the environment, given that they are closely related to the process of maintenance of terrestrial life.
MAIA, LC et al. (2015). Diversity of Brazilian Fungi.
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