Rhodofomitopsis cupreorosea is similar to R. roseomagna, as both have corky to woody hard basidiomata, and the same pinkish brown to lilac color of the pileus. However, R. cupreorosea has pores that are daedaleoid and sinuous (1–2 per mm) and the basidiospores are ellipsoid (5–7 × 2.5– 3.2 μm). Rodhofomitopsis cupreorosea is similar to F. cystidiata too, which has applante, conchoidal or ungulate pileus with brownish pink, grayish brown or grayish pink pileal surface, large pores, but R. cupreorosea differs in a trimitic hyphal system, larger basidiospores, and its lack of cystidia (Soares et al. 2017). The type species is from Brazil and molecular studies suggest that reports elsewhere should be revaluated (Soares et al. 2017)
The species occurs in 8 countries. However, reports outside Brazil should be revaluated (Soares et al. 2017).
The species has several occurrences, moslty in Brazil.
Population Trend: Uncertain
This species occurs in four Brazilian biomes: Amazon, Cerrado, Atlantic Forest and Caatinga.
It is no uncommon at least in Brazil. However, it is found in the Atlantic Forest, a hotspot, in the Amazonia (currently being deforested at the highest rates in the last decades) and Cerrado (also a hotspot). In addition, Caatinga is threatened with desertification.
There are records in non protected areas.
Other countries should be better surveyed for a better understanding of distribution and delimitaion of the species.
Country | Trend | Redlisted |