• 1Proposed
  • 2Under Assessment
  • 3Preliminary Assessed
  • 4Assessed
  • 5Published

Cryptothecia fuscopunctata F. Seavey & J. Seavey

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Scientific name
Cryptothecia fuscopunctata
F. Seavey & J. Seavey
Common names
IUCN Specialist Group
Assessment status
Proposed by
James Lendemer
James Lendemer
Comments etc.
Anders Dahlberg

Assessment Notes

Taxonomic notes

Why suggested for a Global Red List Assessment?

Cryptothecia fuscopunctata (Common Name: Brown Speckled Carpet Lichen) is endemic to the Everglades, an extensive tropical wetland system in southeastern North America where it is imperiled by sea-level rise and other forces.

Geographic range

Cryptothecia fuscopunctata is narrowly restricted to the Everglades of southern Florida, an expansive tropical wetland system in southeastern North America.

Population and Trends

Demographic studies are needed to assess and monitor populations sizes. Our current knowledge of the species suggests that its populations are stable.

Population Trend:

Habitat and Ecology

This species occurs in a portion of the Everglades that as a more temperate biota compared to other areas of the wetland system. It occurs on the bark of trees, particularly in mangrove (Conocarpus erectus L.) hammock forests.

Subtropical/Tropical Swamp Forest


All known populations occur a region where there has been extensive conversion and alteration of habitats historically, particularly in nearby uplands which include densely populated urban and suburban centers. Although the known populations occur within a large national park the entire region is imperiled by sea-level rise and other habitat shifts related to sea-level rise. Additional potential threats to this species include pollution and invasive plants that may displace the existing native vegetation on which it occurs.

Residential & commercial developmentHousing & urban areasCommercial & industrial areasTourism & recreation areasEnergy production & miningMining & quarryingTransportation & service corridorsRoads & railroadsUtility & service linesNatural system modificationsDams & water management/useInvasive non-native/alien species/diseasesPollutionDomestic & urban waste waterIndustrial & military effluentsAgricultural & forestry effluentsGarbage & solid wasteAir-borne pollutantsClimate change & severe weatherHabitat shifting & alterationTemperature extremesStorms & floodingOther impacts

Conservation Actions

There are many conservation actions that can be taken including, educating and training land managers and local botanists to identify the species so we can monitor its health, federally listing the species as endangered in the United States, improving air quality regulation, and monitoring changes associated with sea-level rise. Policy and legislation considering biodiversity threatened by sea-level rise is also needed.

Land/water protectionSite/area protectionResource & habitat protectionLand/water managementSite/area managementInvasive/problematic species controlHabitat & natural process restorationEducation & awarenessFormal educationTrainingAwareness & communicationsLaw & policyLegislationNational level

Research needed

Further research that will aid in the conservation of this species includes population assessments and monitoring, population genetics studies, and ecological studies that incorporate threats to the species. Additionally, a species recovery plan needs to be written.

ResearchPopulation size, distribution & trendsLife history & ecologyThreatsActionsConservation PlanningSpecies Action/Recovery PlanArea-based Management PlanMonitoringPopulation trendsHabitat trends

Use and Trade


Seavey, F. & J. Seavey. 2014. Four new species and sixteen new lichen records for North America from Everglades National Park. The Bryologist, 117(4):395-404.

Country occurrence

Regional Population and Trends

Country Trend Redlisted